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Friday, October 03, 2014
CTA-funded 3D map helping tribe document and articulate their traditional knowledge
Saramaccans settled along the Upper Suriname River have expressed the hope that a form of Geographical Information Systems introduced by ...
Saturday, September 06, 2014
Les forêts des Saramaca : les cours d'eau au coeur d'un exercice de modélisation participative en trois dimensions le long du Haut Suriname
JAW JAW, SURINAME, le 6 septembre 2014. Depuis Atjoni (Suriname), il faut 40 minutes en pirogue à moteur pour atteindre Jaw Jaw, village ...
Saramakan’s forests: watercourses at the core of a participatory 3D modelling exercise along the upper Suriname River
JAW JAW, SURINAME, 6 September 2014. From Atjoni, Suriname, it takes 40 minutes by motorised longboat to reach Jaw Jaw, a village sprinkl...
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