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Thursday, August 16, 2012
Les éleveurs recherchent l’eau et la paix au Tchad : compte-rendu d’un exercice participatif de cartographie au Sahel
BAÏBOKOUM, TCHAD : Du 31 juillet au 11 août 2012, l’Association des Femmes Peules Autochtones du Tchad (AFPAT), en collaboration avec le Se...
Pastoralists seek water and peace in Chad: Account of a participatory mapping exercise in the Sahel
BAÏBOKOUM, CHAD: 31 July to 11 August 2012, the Association des Femmes Peules Autochtones du Tchad (AFPAT), in cooperation with the Secret...
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Making Rangelands Secure - First issue of the Bulletin published
In 2010 the International Land Coalition ( ILC ) with partners IFAD, IUCN-WISP, Procasur and RECONCILE established a learning initiative fo...
Wednesday, August 01, 2012
Palawan - our struggle for nature and culture
The struggle to save Palawan (known as the Philippines’ Last Frontier) is not only about saving trees and rare species. It is also about...
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
PLA 65 on Biodiversity and culture: exploring community protocols, rights and consent now online
Participatory Learning and Action 65 on Biodiversity and culture: exploring community protocols, rights and consent is now online . T...
Trading Bows and Arrows for Laptops: Carbon & Culture
The Surui Cultural Map shows the Surui tribe of the Amazon's vision of their forest, including their territory and traditional histo...
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Participatory 3D Modelling (P3DM) for Peoples' Advocacy vis-a-vis Extractive Industries
This video documents how a participatory 3D model (P3DM) has been effectively used for advocacy purposes in the framework of the Tampaka...
Monday, June 18, 2012
Mapping is Power
Set in the Altai Republic of Russia in southern Siberia, Mapping is Power follows cultural specialist Maya Erlenbaeva and shaman Maria ...
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Risks of Mapping Indigenous Lands, Ep 2 - Giacomo Rambaldi, CTA
Giacomo Rambaldi from CTA discusses participatory mapping including the benefits and risks during the "Participatory Mapping and Co...
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Mapping Indigenous Lands, Ep 1 - Dave De Vera, Philippines
Dave De Vera, executive director of PAFID is an advocate in rights based approaches and expert in participatory mapping (in particular...
Crowdsourcing Geographic Knowledge: Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) in Theory and Practice
Crowdsourcing Geographic Knowledge: Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) in Theory and Practice to be released in August 2012. The...
Friday, June 15, 2012
The power of information: Map Kibera uses GIS, SMS, video and the web to gather community data
The Map Kibera project works with young people from one of Africa’s biggest slums. They use GIS, SMS, video and the web to gather data and...
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Climate Change and African Political Stability dynamic mapping tool released
The Strauss Center’s Climate Change and African Political Stability (CCAPS) program and AidData recently released a dynamic mapping tool...
Monday, June 04, 2012
Handbook on Participatory Land Use Planning Methods and tools developed and tested in Viengkham District, Luang Prabang Province, Lao PDR
“ This approach puts the keys of development in the hands of local communities and avoids engaging them into endless assistance programs ...
Monday, May 28, 2012
Day 6: Participatory Mapping and Community Empowerment for Climate Change Adaptation, Planning and Advocacy
26 May, 2012 HONIARA - It is early morning when representatives from UNDP , CTA , TNC , and from NGOs from PNG and the Caribbean region t...
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Day 5: Participatory Mapping and Community Empowerment for Climate Change Adaptation, Planning and Advocacy
25 May, 2012 HONIARA -The last day of the event participants split in six working groups depending on specific interests including prov...
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Feedback on the P3DM experience in Boeboe, Solomon Islands, through the eyes of a woman
25 May, 2012 HONIARA - We asked Ms. Winifred Piatamama who took part in a participatory 3D modelling exercise which took place in Febru...
Friday, May 25, 2012
Day 4: Participatory Mapping and Community Empowerment for Climate Change Adaptation, Planning and Advocacy
24 May, 2012, HONIARA - The morning of day 4 opened with a presentation on the potentials of Web 2.0 applications and social media for remo...
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