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Sunday, June 04, 2017
UAS or drone mapping versus conventional methods - cost and benefit analysis - two cases in Africa
The use of small unmanned aerial systems (sUAS) in aerial mapping applications is increasingly being used as an appropriate surveying met...
Thursday, May 25, 2017
UNICEF support to the deployment of P3DM practice in the Philippines
Through the efforts of the Philippine Geographical Society (PGS), UNICEF Philippines and its partner NGOs across the country (A2D in Cebu,...
Participatory 3D Modelling for disaster risk reduction in DRC
"River partners: Managing environment and disaster risk in the Democratic Republic of the Congo" is a video report on the disaste...
Saturday, April 29, 2017
How participatory maps can inform national policy making: The Tampakan Copper-Gold mine case
On September 23, 2011, Sagittarius Mines, Inc., a joint venture between global giant Glencore, Australia's Indophil Resources, and Fili...
Wednesday, April 12, 2017
Participatory 3D Modelling in Western Samoa triggers behavioural changes and climate change resilience
Since 2012 the local government together with local communities in Western Samoa have carried out a total of 19 participatory 3D modellin...
Monday, April 10, 2017
Participatory 3D modelling as a socially engaging approach in ecosystem service assessments among marginalized communities
Land use decision making in the Suriname Upper Suriname River area knows a history of dis- empowerment and marginalization of the Saamak...
Saturday, March 25, 2017
La MP3D, un outil puissant pour le développement des associations au Madagascar
Interview avec Rajoelisolo Kotondrajaona, Secrétaire Général du BIMTT à Madagascar - par Andriatiana Mamy Rajoelisolo Kotondrajaona...
Thursday, March 23, 2017
Participatory 3D Modelling, a powerful development tool for Madagascan associations
Interview with Rajoelisolo Kotondrajaona, Secretary General of the liaison office for Rural Training Institutions - by Andriatiana Mamy ...
Wednesday, March 22, 2017
Pêcheurs malgaches à bout de souffle : la modélisation participative trois-D confirme les acquis et ouvre les horizons
Interview avec Tsiza Ernest, président de l’association des pêcheurs à Sahoragna, Madagascar Tsiza Ernest, Président de l'Associat...
Monday, March 20, 2017
Light at the end of the tunnel for Malagasy fishermen
Interview with Tisza Ernest, president of a ten-member fishermen’s association in Sahoragna, Madagascar 60-year old Tsiza Ernest is Pr...
Saturday, March 18, 2017
Vision holistique du développement : La modélisation participative en trois-D promeut la synergie des projets villageois
Le manque de synergie de certains projets entrave le développement des communautés dans beaucoup de régions de Madagascar. Au niveau des lo...
• Participatory 3D modelling to increase synergy between village projects and to contribute to more holistic development
Community development in Madagascar is often hampered by a lack of synergy between different local initiatives. Now project managers in are...
Développement personnel des femmes : la modélisation participative en trois dimensions apporte sa pierre à l’édifice
Longtemps soumises, passives mais aussi amorphes, les paysannes d'Ampefy et d'Analavory veulent prendre en main leur propre dévelop...
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