
Friday, June 10, 2011

Report back on a short mission to Ethiopia - PGIS practice

I was recently in Ethiopia where I had the opportunity to deliver two seminars on PGIS practice, with focus on Participatory 3-Dimensional Modelling (P3DM) work done in Ethiopia. The 1st seminar took place at ILRI on May 26. It attracted approximately 20 participants from various agencies including ILRI, IWMI, CGIAR System-wide Livestock Programme, the New Agriculturist magazine and Biodiversity International.
The 2nd seminar organised by the Ministry of Agriculture in collaboration with GIZ took place at the offices of GIZ and was attended by representatives from MoA, GIZ, WFP, FAO, WFP-MERET, Sustainable Land Use Forum (SLUF), Oromisa SLM program, Austrian Development Cooperation, and the Sustainable Land Management (SLM) Program. Mr. Daniel Danano, coordinator of the SLM confirmed their interest in collaborating with CTA to (i) translate the handbook “Participatory 3-Dimensional Modelling: Guiding Principles and Applications; 2010 edition” in Amharic, (ii) broadcast the video production “Mapping for Change” on national TV, (iii) and to implement P3DM process in “hot spots” within project watersheds.
Great interest in the practice was also expressed by representatives from the WFP and FAO. All participants requested copies of the P3DM manual and of the PGIS Training Kit 

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