Monday, August 01, 2016

Participatory 3D Modeling exercise with pastoralist communities in Karamoja, Uganda

The Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation ACP-EU (CTA) in partnership with the International Institute of Rural Reconstruction (IIRR), ERMIS Africa, ESIPPS International Ltd and Vision Care Foundation (VCF) supported the implementation of a ‪Participatory‬ 3D Modelling (‪P3DM‬) exercise in Northern ‪Uganda‬, within the ‪‎Karamoja‬ Cluster.

The process took place in the framework of the larger CTA-funded “Building resilient Pastoral Communities through Cross-border Livestock Value Chains in the IGAD region” project.

The P3DM exercise, and specifically its training component benefits also from support provided by the UNDP Equator Initiative which sponsored the participation of the director of the Oromia Pastoralist Association (OPA).

Other organisations which attended the process for capacity building purposes included Communication without borders (CwB), SIKOM PeaceNet Development and delegates from the Endorois and Kayas peoples from Kenya.

Those interested in the process can see a series of pictures on @PGISatCTA Twitter account.

All tweets related to the event include the hashtag ‪#‎p3dmUG‬ 

More importantly CTA commissioned the production of a documentary related to the process which will be available on

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