Sunday, February 24, 2008
An Atlas of Radical Cartography

Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Panel on Mapping Cultural and Biological Diversity; April 5-7, New York, USA
Remote Sensing and GIS Conference, May 5 - 6, 2008, Kupang, Indonesia
As part of Charles Darwin Universities AUSAID funded Public Service Linkages Program a GIS and Remote sensing Conference will be held at Nusa Cendana University in Kupang 5-6 May.
The conference will act as a forum to discuss the following: (i) current applications, projects and research in NTT using remote sensing and GIS technology; (ii) the development of formal and informal data and skill sharing networks; (iii) protocols for collecting and archiving data. A provincial wide conference is very important at this time when a range of regional initiatives are being developed to support good governance through data collection, archiving and analysis. The effecting sharing of capacity and aspirations within NTT will assist in the development of a coordinated approach in the development of spatial planning.
This is an advanced notice and call for presentations. It is proposed that presentations from the conference be published as proceedings. The organisers have currently identified the following broad topics:
- Critical land assessment in the Assesa catchment in Ngada
- Fire mapping and monitoring in Sumba
- Deforestation monitoring in Timor
- GIS for land capability assessment – development planning
- GIS for analysis of health and education data
- Community GIS and Participatory 3D Modeling (P3DM).
- Standards for data collection and storage
- Arrangements for data sharing
- Accuracy assessment
For further information you may contact: Dr. Marthen R. Pellokila (UNDANA) Email: rpellokila[at]yahoo.com and Rohan Fisher (CDU) Email: cycadmedia[at]bigpond.com