Saturday, March 18, 2017

• Participatory 3D modelling to increase synergy between village projects and to contribute to more holistic development

Community development in Madagascar is often hampered by a lack of synergy between different local initiatives. Now project managers in areas where the Participatory 3-Dimensional Modelling (P3DM) process has been developed are hoping that this new technique can help harmonise and coordinate different development actions.

"Help! There's too much aid!" This headline on a rural affairs magazine probably stopped development project promoters and readers in the Madagascan capital in their tracks – but it reflects a growing feeling among beneficiaries that poorly coordinated interventions have created chaos rather than harmonious development. "Things would be so much better if partners gave the matter just a little concerted thought" sighed a farmer's leader in Anjazafotsy (Betafo District). The negative effects of the situation are all too clear in this rural commune of Andranomafana, where local development is confused, chaotic and hampered by resistance to change, inability to commit to projects and problems preparing development plans ...

Lack of coordination

Unbalanced development is one of the first signs of a lack of coordination that has left some communities in certain areas inundated with projects while their neighbours have none. The commune of Andranomafana is a case in point, as there are five projects in the north of this small community (48 km²) and none in the south. One woman thinks this is because "people the south are less educated as they're a long way from the highway," but deputy mayor Solofo Marc Rakotondrafara blames it on lack of coordination, arguing that intervening agencies are disorganised and choose their intervention areas and themes without consulting other actors. Rajorosoana Razafimahatratra, a technician with the Liaison Office for Rural Training Institutions (BIMTT) reckons that "Everyone's out for themselves, there are no understandings between different agencies". Local people are baffled as to why two projects are getting ready to conduct similar activities in the same village – one providing drinking water while the other tackles open defecation. The village chief thinks "it would have been better to combine both activities in a single water and sanitation project, which would avoid creating divisions between beneficiaries and make it much easier to mobilize people behind the project." The situation is exacerbated by the fact that poor organisation affects the quality of services, and contradictory messages sent out by these development projects make many beneficiaries reluctant to engage with them. The administration encourages people to register their parcels at the local land office in order to obtain land certificates, but they still can't get credit because financial institutions don't recognise these certificates. "I wish they'd come to some kind of agreement" said one farmers' leader who needs money to fund his next production cycle. While technicians worry that this situation will make local people resistant to innovation, project beneficiaries are not the only ones who are missing out – the managers of development programmes are finding it increasingly difficult to get their initiatives off the ground. The regional director of rural development in Miarinarivo, Serge Andriamiarinera, says that preparing development plans for his constituency is a real challenge: "It's hard to set up development projects when all the project promoters have different, sometimes conflicting visions."

This context makes it virtually impossible to take a holistic view of the situation and formulate an overarching development plan for the region – leaving promoters wondering how they can ensure that projects in Madagascar address beneficiaries' needs, interconnect with and complement each other, and contribute to a shared vision.

The P3DM process to the rescue!

A possible solution to this embarrassing situation may have been found in the three regions of the main island where participatory 3-dimensional modelling (P3DM) has been developed. BIMTT secretary general Rajoelisolo Kotondrajaona sees P3DM as a unifying process that can encourage greater synergy between village development actions: "P3DM can play a major role in local development ... In fact, I'd say this is its primary purpose, as the three pillars of the process – dialogue, information and solidarity – provide everything that is needed for greater synergy." Participatory modelling is a powerful tool for coordination that encourages dialogue between different actors, provides reliable factual information about the intervention area, and fosters a spirit of solidarity in the action zone.

The case of two communities that had fallen out over local development in north and south Anjazafotsy shows how participatory 3-D modelling can encourage dialogue. The P3DM process drew protagonists together around a map of their two localities, enabling them to overcome their mutual mistrust and talk calmly about the issues surrounding drinking water and reforestation. They are now starting to discuss local development, and several projects are getting under way in the south. The deputy mayor noted how "The fact that everyone met around the model allowed us to start talking about the problem instead of skirting around it as we'd done before."

These 3-D models are also highly informative. Many initiatives are compromised by a lack of information that makes it impossible for actors to get organised and hard for intervening agencies to work together and coordinate activities. In Mahiatrondro, in the mid-western rural commune of Ampefy, information shown on the map about the extent of silting, lack of cultivable land and availability of nurseries alerted participants to the imminent crisis, sharpened everyone's focus on their respective tasks and galvanised them into action to prevent further environmental degradation. This common purpose created its own synergies and coordination as the community took charge of reforestation, the commune identified spaces that needed replanting, and the NGO AGRISUD provided free saplings.

Finally, these models foster solidarity, helping generate the mutual support and sense of unity needed for harmonious development. The village chief noted how the model cultivated a spirit of solidarity in the village of Mahiatrondro (population 3,000): "it was as if everyone was driven by the same spirit of mutual aid and desire to move forward together." Residents held various meetings to show what they had learned from the 3-D model of their village – from the routes used by thieves to sources of water, available land, etc. Working together enabled them to stem the resurgence of road bandits (Dahalo), reduce the damage from bush-fires, develop their own village charter (Dina) and, thanks to their courage and tenacity, get it recognised by the local court.

A holistic vision of territorial development

One of the most valuable aspects of P3DM is its ability to create a holistic representation that includes the socio-cultural, economic and environmental aspects of a particular area. The bird's-eye view provided by the models gives all participants a shared perspective of their locality and, according to one BIMTT technician, "generates natural synergies." Having seen the results of the P3DM process in Miarinarivo, the regional director of rural development is keen to scale it up across all the areas under his jurisdiction. "I'm setting up a regional development project, and know that it will be greatly helped by the information the model provides, the atmosphere it creates and the dialogue it generates." He emphasises the important role that a global vision of the community, the land and the natural resources in the locality plays in producing a comprehensive and relevant development plan. "It enables us to take account of every aspect of the situation, ensure that projects don't overlap with each other and inform intervening agencies about what their counterparts are doing." On the east coast of Madagascar, the Director General for Fisheries, Jean Razafimandimby, is encouraging other areas to produce participatory models as they provide invaluable marine data that can be used to make informed decisions and coordinate actions to promote responsible fishing in this severely threatened marine area. Actors in the marine fishing sector, such as the Regional Directorate for Fisheries, officials in Fenerive-Est town hall, operators and fishermen are planning a workshop to discuss how to coordinate actions and take measures against illegal fishing in the commune.

Having seen how participatory 3-dimensional mapping encourages synergy between development actions at the village level, there are now calls to model larger areas covering one or more communes in order to create synergies on a much larger scale.

Article by Andriatiana Mamy

Développement personnel des femmes : la modélisation participative en trois dimensions apporte sa pierre à l’édifice

Longtemps soumises, passives mais aussi amorphes, les paysannes d'Ampefy et d'Analavory veulent prendre en main leur propre développement. Mais leur volonté de s'émanciper est souvent confrontée à des obstacles. Aujourd'hui, elles sont incontournables dans le développement de la Région. La modélisation participative en trois dimensions (MP3D) y a apporté sa pierre à l'édifice : les autorités administratives et traditionnelles, les partenaires de développement, la communauté... Tous reconnaissent leurs services.

Une chose a attiré l'attention d'une équipe d'agents de développement rural descendue sur terrain pour constater de visu le dégât engendré par l'ensablement des rizières dans le Fokontany (quartier) d'Atalata Vaovao de la Commune d'Ampefy de la Région d'Itasy au Moyen-Ouest de Madagascar. Une dame enceinte, trainant un sac plein de marchandises, a fait plus de 8 km de marche à pied pour rejoindre ce rendez-vous, si important pour elle. L'exploration va durer quelques heures sous le soleil de plomb d'Ampefy. Elle ne s'en plaint pas. « Pourquoi s'en tenir à être là ? Qu'est ce qui l'a poussée à faire ce marathon ?» D'un air déterminé, elle pointe du doigt un mont partiellement dévasté juste en face des visiteurs : « Regardez, ce dégât vient de là ! Cette montagne a ensablé toutes nos rizières » martèle-t-elle, avant de lancer : « Je ne me tais pas tant qu'on ne s'occupe pas de ce monstre !» Elle, c'est Jeannette Raharimalala, membre fondateur du groupement (KF) Tolotra ou Comité local de développement Tolotra, une association d'environ une dizaine de membres créée pour sensibiliser la communauté pour le développement social et économique du quartier. Bien que le Comité local Tolotra soit ouvert aux hommes, deux-tiers des membres sont de sexe féminin. Ces femmes sont si exceptionnelles que le Directeur régional de la FAFAFI, une ONG d'appui au développement des comités de développement n'a pas caché sa stupéfaction, observant leur dynamisme : « Elles sont décomplexées et deviennent de plus en plus courageuses et entreprenantes !», se réjouit-elle. Le Directeur apporte elle-même les premières explications : « leur épanouissement s'est manifesté depuis quelques années mais a fait un grand bond en avant depuis 2015, année de leur intégration dans le processus de MP3D », soutient-elle.

Des paysannes sous l'ombre des hommes

A Atalata Vaovao, comme dans d'autres régions de Madagascar, les paysannes sont placées au second plan sous l'ombre de leurs maris ou de leurs frères. En effet, les hommes travaillent, fréquentent les bureaux, participent aux réunions tandis que les femmes se contentent de s'occuper des enfants au foyer, de servir les hommes, de préparer le repas avant de s'enfermer dans la cuisine. Peu de femmes sont membres de bureau ou leaders d'une organisation. La société rurale malgache regarde d'un mauvais œil une paysanne qui prend parole devant le public. En outre, deux grands soucis pèsent sur leur communauté : le manque de terre conjugué avec le problème foncier, laissé par les colons français dans cette zone volcanique très productive et le problème crucial d'ensablement des rizières. Si depuis peu, ces rizières ensablées devenaient de parcelles pour contenir provisoirement des cultures de légumes de contre saison, aujourd'hui, il n'y reste plus que de fragments de cailloux et de mauvaises herbes. Le président du quartier d'Atalata, Félecitin Rakotoarimalala marque ses inquiétudes : «si rien ne se fait, dans moins de dix ans, 30 ha de rizières disparaitront rien que dans ma circonscription », lâche-t-il. Le malheur ne vient jamais seul. Pire, le Grand lac d'Itasy en aval, principale source de revenus des habitants est en même temps envahi par les alluvions : « il faut aller de plus en plus loin pour pécher des poissons dont la taille devient de moins en moins grande », renchérit le président. Ce contexte conflictuel de la Région d'Itasy a amené les responsables du BIMTT (Bureau de liaison des Institutions de Formation en milieu Rural) à lancer la cartographie 3D dans cette localité. Malgré leurs contraintes, les femmes d'Atalata Vaovao n'ont pas baissé leurs bras. Elles sont les premières venues à répondre à l'appel. Sous la conduite de techniciens du BIMTT, soutenues par le CTA, elles ont participé activement au processus, avec quelques représentants du village, de la mairie d' Ampefy et des organismes de développement. Le processus a stimulé ces dames, déjà avides de développement.

Du développement personnel...

Pendant la fabrication de la maquette, les femmes ont joué un rôle principal. Celui de mobiliser la communauté entière, notamment les jeunes, les enfants et les adultes. « Elles travaillent dans le couloir mais disposent d'une force tranquille, très directive », reconnait Rajorosoana Razafimahatratra technicien du BIMTT. Elles jouent un rôle d'animateur et de rassembleur : « venez ! Mais où est-il passé ? Appelle-les ? Ne vous en rappelez-vous pas ? Vous êtes le seul à en savoir ! etc. », un véritable catalyseur ! Le processus de fabrication de la maquette au niveau des quartiers est comme un travail au foyer : la cuisson, la lessive, le nettoyage des vaisselles, les préparatifs des enfants pour l'école. Et souvent, c'est la mère qui y prend la commande. Dans l'exercice de 3D, les femmes sont beaucoup plus entreprenantes, habiles et pragmatiques dans le soin, l'ordre, la forme, l'esthétique, la mise à jour, l'entretien, les détails de la localisation (sentiers, sources, ruisseau...). La fabrication de la maquette d'Atalata Vaovao a été sous le contrôle du sexe féminin bien que les hommes s'affichent au premier plan. Il n'est pas étonnant qu'elles soient les premiers primées ! « Cela a relevé leur estime de soi, et renforcer leur confiance mutuelle » confirme le technicien du BIMTT. Le fait d'être invitée au processus est d'abord un signe de reconnaissance à leur existence. « Nous sommes invitées, donc nous pouvons en effet faire quelque chose !» s'affirme Aline Andriamampandry, secrétaire du groupement Mahiatrondro. Et de participer au processus de la fabrication de la maquette, c'est également pour elle un signe de reconnaissance à leurs œuvres. Non seulement elles se réjouissent de pouvoir s'exprimer, de donner leurs avis mais surtout d'être écoutées. Lors de la présentation de la maquette auprès des autorités ou des vazaha (hôtes étrangères), elles se défendent bec et ongles comme un étudiant soutenant une mémoire de fin d'Etudes. « Je ne m'imagine pas pouvoir faire tout ça ! » avoue Josephine Rasoanarilalaina Présidente du groupement Miavotra. Dans la culture malgache, le genre d'activité de construction est surtout consacré aux frères d'Adam. Mais aujourd'hui, tout cela est révolu pour ces paysannes, elles sont affranchies et déterminées au point de faire pression, de revendiquer leur droit. Elles sont pour l'heure à l'origine de revendication de plusieurs litiges fonciers à Ampefy. Pour mieux faire passer leurs idées de développement, certaines d'entre elles n'hésitent pas à participer aux différentes élections régionales.

...Au développement social

Le développement personnel des femmes se traduit en développement social et économique de la communauté autour d'elles. Elles et leurs Groupements sont reconnus aussi bien au sein de leur propre communauté qu'auprès de l'extérieur. La communauté les consulte. Les autorités communales s'adressent à eux pour des questions liées au développement local. Elles jouent le rôle d'interface entre le projet de développement et les bénéficiaires. « Nous avons recours à leurs groupements à chaque besoin de sensibilisation locale » confie un responsable de projet en eau potable. Dans la circonscription où les groupements (KF) sont implantés, le développement de la communauté est palpable. Rien que dans le village de Mahiatrondro de la Commune d'Analavory, la discussion enclenchée par la maquette a mis en garde les acteurs du danger engendré par de la dégradation de l'environnement. Les premiers impacts se sont répercutés au niveau de la mentalité des gens. Depuis deux ans, selon le président du quartier Justin Razafindrakoto, le feu de brousse a chuté de moitié, la défécation à l'air libre est éradiquée. La maquette a facilité l'identification des zones à reboiser, une collaboration avec le projet AgriSud fournisseurs de jeunes plants est en cours. 1.000 plants ont été mis sur terre. Le processus MP3D a fait comprendre aux acteurs que les terres disponibles sont de plus en plus rares, les femmes en sont les plus averties et passent à l'action. Du coup, elles ont diversifié leurs activités. Si les unes ont opté pour l'élevage et le gavage de Canard, les autres ont développé les greniers villageois, le guide touristique ou l'artisanat. Au point de vue sécurité, l'auto-défense populaire est mise en place et reconnue par le tribunal régional.

Des expériences qui font tâche d'huile

L'engagement des Comités pour le Développement d'Ampefy et d'Analavory ne s'arrête pas là ! D'une part, leur initiative fait tâche d'huile dans leur propre quartier pour enfanter plusieurs sous comités renforçant davantage le développement de la communauté locale. Neuf groupements (KF) ont vu le jour dans ces localités en moins de deux années. Convaincu de l'efficience de ces groupements, le chef de quartier a décidé de les intégrer dans la structure formelle de sa circonscription. Du fait de leur dynamisme, la mairie entend promulguer un arrêté communal nommant les paysans et paysannes membres des KF : Agents de Développement Villageois (ADV). D'autre part, leurs expériences ont franchi la frontière de la Commune et s'étendent dans les Communes voisines du District d'Analavory. Cela a été enclenché après la présentation de la maquette durant la foire régionale du district d'Analavory. Plusieurs autres Villages et Communes du District se proposent actuellement de créer leur propre comité de développement. Pour le Directeur régional de la FAFAFI, le résultat est évident : « le développement personnel des gens une fois acquis demeure à jamais et favorise un développement communautaire durable.» Les Comités pour le Développement sont le foyer de développement local dans toute la Région d'Itasy. « Quand les femmes sont accompagnées, moralement et techniquement, elles sont capables de faire des choses inimaginables » affirme le directeur. Dans le cas de MP3D, au moins un technicien est mis leur disposition tout au long du processus. Kidja Marie Francine, Directeur Général du Ministère de la Population et de la Promotion des Femmes, voit les initiatives très engageantes : « Nous soutenons les actions favorisant l'autonomisation des femmes » promet-elle.

Article écrit par Interview de Mamy Andriatiana pour le CTA

Inégalité de sexe à Madagascar : Les femmes rurales victimes de non droit

A Madagascar, les femmes représentent 50,6% de l'ensemble de la population. Elles sont une véritable force de travail, leurs insertions sur le marché de travail est de 62% contre 68% pour les hommes, notamment dans les activités informelles. En zone rurale, elles sont en activité permanente entre les travaux domestiques, telles que l'entretien du ménage, la préparation des repas, le décorticage du riz, la collecte de l'eau et du bois, les soins de santé des enfants et les activités agricoles. Elles sont à 78 % actives dans le secteur agricole où elle produit plus de la moitié des cultures vivrières. Soit : 16 et 18 heures de travail par jour.

Malgré leurs importantes contributions, elles sont peu estimées, moins valorisées. A la maison, l'homme occupe une position dominante par rapport à celle de la femme. Le DG du ministère de la population déplore : « si les deux époux rentrent à la maison chacun après un dur labeur, la femme n'a pas droit au repos et s'occupe de tout, alors que le mari peut se permettre de lire le journal.» Par ailleurs, elles ne sont pas héritières et n'ont pas accès à la terre. L'exploitation des terres incombe inévitablement à l'homme. L'adage le confirme «que vous soyez intelligente ou ignorante, vous restez une épouse.» Si un divorce arrive, elle risque de partir les mains vides. En plus, elles n'ont pas accès au crédit, car ne disposent d'aucuns biens (terres ou maisons...) pour garantir un éventuel prêt bancaire. Et pourtant la loi en vigueur stipule l'égalité de droit pour tous les individus (homme et femme). Droit de propriété, droit d'hériter, droit d'exploiter, droit de jouir de parts égales (moitié-moitié) au régime matrimonial. A Madagascar, les obstacles à l'égalité effective entre hommes et femmes se situent au niveau de l'application des lois, de fait de la prédominance des coutumes et tabous sociaux sur l'effectivité des droits des femmes mais aussi de l'absence de textes d'application.

How Participatory 3D Modelling has contributed to women’s personal development in Madagascar

Rural women in Ampefy and Analavory are emerging from years of years of subordination and passivity, taking charge of their own development and overcoming numerous obstacles to their emancipation. Their key role in regional development is increasingly recognised by the administrative and traditional authorities, development partners and the local community. This article shows how participatory 3-D modelling helps women fulfil their potential.

Rural development agents on a field visit to see how silting has damaged rice fields in Atalata Vaovao, a fokontany (neighbourhood) in Ampefy commune in the Itasy region of mid-western Madagascar, wondered what could have driven a pregnant woman to walk over 8 km to join them at the site. When asked what had prompted her to carry a heavy bag for several hours under the blazing sun, enduring the long journey without a word of complaint, she pointed to the badly eroded slope opposite. “Look at the damage it’s done! This hill has silted up all our rice fields. And I’m not going to stand by quietly while nothing is done to deal with this monster!” That was their introduction to Jeannette Raharimalala, a founding member of Tolotra local development committee (KF), a 10-member association created to raise awareness of the need for social and economic development in the neighbourhood. Although Tolotra is open to men, two-thirds of its members are women – individuals whose dynamism has astonished the regional director of FAFAFI, an NGO that supports development committees. Praising their “fearless and increasingly bold and enterprising approach”, she noted that “they’ve been active for several years but have made huge progress since 2015, when they first became involved in the P3DM process.”

Rural women overshadowed by men

Like their sisters in other regions of Madagascar, rural women in Atalata Vaovao are used to living in the shadow of their husbands and brothers. Men have jobs, go to the office and attend meetings, while women stay at home to look after the children, prepare meals, serve their menfolk and then retreat to the kitchen. Few women work in offices or lead organisations, and those who speak in public are frowned upon in rural Madagascar. The two main concerns for local people in this highly productive volcanic area are the land shortages and tenure issues left by the French colonial authorities, and the increasingly pressing problem of silting in their paddy fields. Recent efforts to grow out-of-season vegetables in these parcels have fizzled out and they now yield little more than weeds and stones. The community leader in Atalata, Félecitin Rakotoarimalalais, worries that “if nothing is done, my area alone stands to lose 30 hectares of rice fields in less than 10 years.” And if that wasn’t bad enough, Lake Itasy, which is the main source of income for many local people, is filling up with alluvium “so we have to travel further to catch increasingly small fish.” When the Liaison Office for Rural Training Institutions (BIMTT) introduced 3-D mapping exercises to help resolve potential conflicts in Itasy Region, the women of Atalata Vaovao were the first to turn their hand to the task despite the many constraints they face. Led by BIMTT technicians, supported by CTA and working alongside various representatives of the village, Ampefy town hall and development agencies, these women played an active role in a process that sharpened their already considerable appetite for development.

From personal development...

The 3-D model of Atalata Vaovao could not have been built without the local women, who played a key role in mobilizing community members of all ages behind the exercise. BIMTT technician Rajorosoana Razafimahatratra recalled how they acted as convenors and facilitators, “working in the corridors and leading with a quiet strength.” You’d hear them moving things along, galvanising everyone into action: “Come along now! Where’s so-and-so gone? See where they are! Can you remember what to do? You’re the only one who knows how to do it!”  Making 3-D models calls for the same kind of skills needed to organise the cooking, cleaning and laundry and get children off to school every day – and the women involved in this exercise proved much more enterprising, practical and pragmatic than the men in terms of their attention to detail, process, form, design, maintenance, getting the precise location of paths, springs and streams, updating information etc. Although the men were initially involved, it was the women who were really in charge and were best at making the model! The BIMTT technician also noted how “it improved their self-esteem and built mutual trust.” Women saw the invitation to join the model-making process as a form of recognition for their efforts. Aline Andriamampandry, secretary of the Mahiatrondro group, said that “being asked to participate means we can actually do something!” They were delighted to be able to express themselves, give an opinion, and above all be listened to. When the model was presented to the authorities and visitors (vazaha), they stood their ground like students defending their final thesis. Josephine Rasoanarilalaina, President of the Miavotra group admitted “I never thought I could do something like that!” Madagascan culture has always regarded making things as men’s work, but these women see things differently now and are determined to claim their rights. Some women from Ampefy have started land litigation procedures, while others are participating in regional elections in order to spread their ideas about development.

... to social development

Women’s personal development contributes to local social and economic development. Individual women and their groups are now recognised and consulted by their own and other communities. The communal authorities ask them about local development issues, and they act as an interface between development projects and beneficiaries. The manager of one drinking water project reported that “We use their groups whenever we need to do local awareness-raising exercises,” and said they have had a noticeable effect on community development. In the village of Mahiatrondro in the commune of Analavory, discussions sparked by the model have alerted people to the dangers of environmental degradation and are starting to have an impact on their way of thinking. Neighbourhood leader Justin Razafindrakoto reports that bushfires have halved and open defecation has been eradicated in the last two years. The 3-D model helped identify areas needing reforestation, and 1,000 saplings have been planted as part of an ongoing collaboration with the AgriSud project, which provides young plants. Having learned about the increasing scarcity of available land from the P3DM process, women have been quick to diversify their activities and started rearing livestock, fattening ducks, developing village granaries, producing and selling craftwork and acting as tourist guides. A local security service has also been set up and is now recognised by the regional court.

Aline R. Secretaire du Comité pour le Développement du Village de Mahiatrondro, Commune d'Ampefy

The knock-on effects of these experiences

The development committees in Ampefy and Analavory seem to be unstoppable! Their efforts are having knock-on effects in their own neighbourhood, and have spawned several sub-committees that are working on further community development initiatives. The neighbourhood chief was so impressed by the nine new groups (KF) that have been set up in the last two years that he incorporated them into the formal structure of his constituency, and their dynamism prompted the town hall to promulgate a communal order appointing KF members as Village Development Agents (VDAs). Their influence extends beyond their own commune to others in the district of Analavory, where their 3-D model was presented at the regional fair. Several other villages and communes in the district now intend to set up their own development committees, and these committees have become a focus for local development across the whole region of Itasy. The regional director of FAFAFI thinks the results speak for themselves. She believes that “personal development has a lasting impact on the individuals concerned and encourages sustainable community development,” and that “women are capable of doing incredible things with the right moral and technical support.”  At least one technician has been made available to work with women throughout the whole P3DM process, which is regarded as a very promising initiative by the Ministry for Population and Women’s Advancement. Its Director General, Kidja Marie Francine, has promised to support actions that help empower women.

Article written by Interview by Mamy Andriatiana for CTA

Gender inequality in Madagascar, where the law provides little protection for rural women

Women represent 50.6% of the population in Madagascar, where 62% of women and 68% of men are active on the labour market, especially in the informal sector. Rural women are always on the go, spending 16 to 18 hours a day on domestic chores such as housekeeping, preparing meals, husking rice, collecting water and wood, looking after children and working in the fields. Around 78% of women work in the agricultural sector, where they produce over half of all food crops.

But despite everything they do, women are under-valued, held in low regard and dominated by men, even in the household. The DG of the Ministry for Population laments the fact that "when a married couple come home after a hard day's work, the woman cannot rest as she's expected to do everything while her husband reads the paper." Women cannot access or inherit land, which is regarded as the men's domain, and are told "whether you're smart or stupid, you're still a wife." They run the risk of being left empty-handed if their marriage ends in divorce, and cannot get credit because they have no collateral (land or property) to offset possible loans. The current law states that all individuals (men and women) have equal rights to ownership, exploitation and inheritance and an equal share of matrimonial property, but social customs, taboos and a lack of implementing legislation mean that in reality, women in Madagascar have far fewer rights than men.

Saturday, January 07, 2017

Le savoir et l’eau : favoriser la croissance Modélisation participative en 3D dans le Darfour du Nord

Le Darfour du Nord est une région sèche et poussiéreuse la majeure partie de l’année ; mais lorsqu’il pleut, le retour de la végétation lui redonne vie. Wadi El Ku, un cours d’eau saisonnier, se met soudain à couler et à alimenter en eau des milliers d’individus, leur bétail et leurs cultures. Cette région est vitale car elle est le grenier de la ville d’El Fasher, la capitale du Darfour du Nord où vivent environ 700 mille habitants.

Mais au cours des 20 dernières années, l’environnement a subi une dégradation généralisée aggravée par le changement climatique. Cette vidéo raconte l'histoire de certains habitants de cette zone qui ont uni leurs forces pour réfléchir et trouver des solutions durables notamment en ce qui concerne le manque d'eau et sa mauvaise gestion.

Le savoir et l'eau : favoriser la croissance - Modélisation participative en 3D dans le Darfour du Nord from CTA on Vimeo.

Cette activité de modélisation participative fait partie du 'Projet de gestion du bassin hydrographique de Wadi El Ku pour le développement des communautés et le maintien de la paix', financé par l'Union européenne en coopération avec le Programme des Nations Unies pour l'environnement (PNUE), Practical Action et le CTA.

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Friday, January 06, 2017

Opportunity for PGIS practitioners to map Batak ancestral lands and indigenous peoples’ and community conserved areas and territories (ICCAs) in Northern Palawan, the Philippines

The Coalition against Land Grabbing (CALG) is a national coalition of indigenous peoples and local communities based in the province of Palawan (the Philippines). CALG is looking for young PGIS practitioners to help mapping Batak ancestral lands and ICCAs in northern Palawan. Specifically, they seek support for GPS-based resources inventories, geotagging of relevant locations (hunting grounds, upland farms, ritual sites, etc.).

One  aim of the project is to generate interactive maps that could serve to raise awareness on how the Batak of Palawan manage and perceive their cultural landscape. The interactive display of satellite imagery, enriched with location-based multimedia and other  layers of information, would also provide evidence of on-going threats to forest resources and Batak livelihood and cultural integrity.

Social cartography, emphasizing culturally distinct understanding of landscape, will be overlapped with geo-spatial maps.  The former will include the use of local place names, information on the actual and historical land uses, oral traditions, cosmovisions and testimonies linked to short video-clips syndicated from Google Video or You Tube, photographs (via Panoramio) and text.

CALG envisages that these maps would become the discursive patrimony of the Batak indigenous people and provide them with the necessary legal evidence to apply for Certificates of Ancestral Land Titles (CALTs) and to have their ICCAs included in the ICCA Registry of the United Nations Environment Programme-World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC).

The project is on-going and it will end in June 2018.  Assistance for geotagging and mapping is particularly sought during the dry season (between February and May 2017), depending on the availability of PGIS practitioners.  Due to global climate changes, dry season is not necessarily confined to the period mentioned above, but could also extend up to June.

selected candidates will receive free food and lodging during the research, domestic travel costs will be reimbursed and a basic honorarium based on Philippine’s standards will be provided.

During the various stages of project implementation CALG and PGIS practitioners will closely collaborate with the Batak Federation (Bayaan it Batak kat Palawan – BBKP).

Those interested can approach the Coalition against Land Grabbing (CALG) through this email address:

Most recent CALG geotagged reports 

Thursday, January 05, 2017

Knowledge like water: nurturing growth Participatory 3D mapping in North Darfur

North Darfur is a dry, dusty place for much of the year; but when it rains, it comes alive with greenery. Wadi El Ku, a seasonal watercourse, suddenly flows providing water to thousands of people, their livestock and crops, which is the lifeline or breadbasket in El Fasher town, the capital of North Darfur, home to approximately 700 thousand people.

However, in the past 20 years, there has been widespread environmental degradation compounded by climate change. This video animation shows how local communities have been joining forces to find solutions, particularly as they relate to water scarcity and poor water management.

Knowledge like water: nurturing growth - Participatory 3D mapping in North Darfur from CTA on Vimeo.

The participatory mapping activity described in this video took place in 2015, in the framework of the European Union-funded 'Wadi El Ku Catchment Management Project for Livelihoods Development and Sustainable Peace' project and has been facilitated jointly by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Practical Action and CTA.

Find out more

See photos and further details about the project 'The Wadi El Ku Catchment Management Project (WEK) for Livelihoods Development and Sustainable Peace'
Read more about the project on UNEP's website
Watch the video animation in French or in Arabic

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