The first ever training kit for Participatory Spatial Information Management and Communication was launched today after weeks of excited pre-ordering online. Co-published by CTA and IFAD, this training kit is a unique product that can be tailored to meet the learning needs of the individual, group or organisation.
‘This is a hugely exciting training tool for the development sector,’ commented Giacomo Rambaldi, Senior Programme Coordinator at CTA. ‘It means that employees can now get the best available training tailored to meet their individual needs.’
The training kit comprises 15 modules, each presented through a series of units. They cover the entire spectrum of good developmental practice. The modules deal with topics such as fundamentals of training, ethics and community groundwork and processes as well as the more technical low-, mid- and high-tech participatory mapping methods.
The Training Kit is featured on the CTA Publications catalogue. Available in English and Spanish, it is aimed at technology intermediaries working in multidisciplinary teams, and for those required to deliver training on the practice or facilitate the process in the field.
The benefits of this type of mapping are numerous. Mapmaking is considered as a step in a broader process resulting in community empowerment by adding value and authority to local spatial knowledge. The process leading to the production of maps is in fact more important than the outputs themselves, as knowledge holders learn by doing. The practice is motivating and often leads to stronger identity and cohesion among community members. Moreover, maps are a powerful and convincing medium which can be used to effectively convey local concerns and aspirations to decision- and policy makers.
This project is another example of CTA’s dedication to empowering rural communities through knowledge. The success of the training kit also demonstrates the benefits CTA enjoys through working with partners such as IFAD to deliver high quality information to a wider audience.
If you are interested in getting a copy of the Training Kit you may send an e-mail to Murielle Vandreck adding PGIS-TK (English / Spanish) to the e-mail subject line.
Online versions: coming soon
DVD versions: CTA online catalogue
Friday, December 10, 2010
Saturday, December 04, 2010
Localização, participação, comunicação: Uma Introdução à Boa Prática de SIGP
Localización, Participación y Comunicación: una Introducción a las Buenas Prácticas SIGP from Giacomo Rambaldi on Vimeo.
Este documentário educativo de 25 minutos vem dar a conhecer a prática de gestão e comunicação participativa de informação geográfica (SIGP) no contexto do desenvolvimento. Foi desenhado para introduzir os profissionais de desenvolvimento (intermediários da tecnologia) à técnica de SIGP.Neste vídeo a prática de SIGP é apresentada como um contínuo a partir da mobilização da comunidade ao planejamento e desenho de projectos, escolha dos métodos e tecnologias de mapeamento, visualização de diferentes tecnologias em diversos ambientes etno-culturais e agro-ecológicos, e finalmente pôr os mapas a funcionar no âmbito da construção de identidade, de auto-determinação, de planejamento territorial e de advocacia.
Ética, atitudes e comportamentos sensatos destacam-se como imperativos inter-sectoriais.
English | French | Spanish
Thursday, December 02, 2010
Participatory 3-Dimensional Modelling: Guiding Principles and Applications; 2010 edition

Participatory three-dimensional modelling (P3DM) is a participatory mapping method integrating indigenous spatial knowledge with data on elevation of the land and depth of the sea to produce stand-alone, scaled and geo-referenced 3D models. Essentially based on recollections from memory, land use and cover and other features are depicted by informants on the model by using push pins for points, yarns for lines and paints for polygons. On completion, a scaled and geo-referenced grid is applied to facilitate data extraction or importation. Data depicted on the model are extracted, digitised and plotted. On completion of the mapping exercise, the model remains with the community.
P3DM has been conceived as a method for bringing the potential of GIS closer to rural communities and for bridging the gap that exists between geographic information technologies and capacities found among marginalised and isolated communities who are frequently dependent on natural resources.
This handbook is intended to assist activists, researchers and practitioners of participatory learning and action (PLA) and GIS in bringing the power of GIS to the grassroots level through the use of P3DM. It provides hands-on guidelines on how to organise and implement a P3DM exercise. In addition it includes insights on adult learning and spatial cognition, on the history of relief models and on the use of the method around the world.

Versión en francés | Versión en español | English version
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