Saturday, March 18, 2017

Développement personnel des femmes : la modélisation participative en trois dimensions apporte sa pierre à l’édifice

Longtemps soumises, passives mais aussi amorphes, les paysannes d'Ampefy et d'Analavory veulent prendre en main leur propre développement. Mais leur volonté de s'émanciper est souvent confrontée à des obstacles. Aujourd'hui, elles sont incontournables dans le développement de la Région. La modélisation participative en trois dimensions (MP3D) y a apporté sa pierre à l'édifice : les autorités administratives et traditionnelles, les partenaires de développement, la communauté... Tous reconnaissent leurs services.

Une chose a attiré l'attention d'une équipe d'agents de développement rural descendue sur terrain pour constater de visu le dégât engendré par l'ensablement des rizières dans le Fokontany (quartier) d'Atalata Vaovao de la Commune d'Ampefy de la Région d'Itasy au Moyen-Ouest de Madagascar. Une dame enceinte, trainant un sac plein de marchandises, a fait plus de 8 km de marche à pied pour rejoindre ce rendez-vous, si important pour elle. L'exploration va durer quelques heures sous le soleil de plomb d'Ampefy. Elle ne s'en plaint pas. « Pourquoi s'en tenir à être là ? Qu'est ce qui l'a poussée à faire ce marathon ?» D'un air déterminé, elle pointe du doigt un mont partiellement dévasté juste en face des visiteurs : « Regardez, ce dégât vient de là ! Cette montagne a ensablé toutes nos rizières » martèle-t-elle, avant de lancer : « Je ne me tais pas tant qu'on ne s'occupe pas de ce monstre !» Elle, c'est Jeannette Raharimalala, membre fondateur du groupement (KF) Tolotra ou Comité local de développement Tolotra, une association d'environ une dizaine de membres créée pour sensibiliser la communauté pour le développement social et économique du quartier. Bien que le Comité local Tolotra soit ouvert aux hommes, deux-tiers des membres sont de sexe féminin. Ces femmes sont si exceptionnelles que le Directeur régional de la FAFAFI, une ONG d'appui au développement des comités de développement n'a pas caché sa stupéfaction, observant leur dynamisme : « Elles sont décomplexées et deviennent de plus en plus courageuses et entreprenantes !», se réjouit-elle. Le Directeur apporte elle-même les premières explications : « leur épanouissement s'est manifesté depuis quelques années mais a fait un grand bond en avant depuis 2015, année de leur intégration dans le processus de MP3D », soutient-elle.

Des paysannes sous l'ombre des hommes

A Atalata Vaovao, comme dans d'autres régions de Madagascar, les paysannes sont placées au second plan sous l'ombre de leurs maris ou de leurs frères. En effet, les hommes travaillent, fréquentent les bureaux, participent aux réunions tandis que les femmes se contentent de s'occuper des enfants au foyer, de servir les hommes, de préparer le repas avant de s'enfermer dans la cuisine. Peu de femmes sont membres de bureau ou leaders d'une organisation. La société rurale malgache regarde d'un mauvais œil une paysanne qui prend parole devant le public. En outre, deux grands soucis pèsent sur leur communauté : le manque de terre conjugué avec le problème foncier, laissé par les colons français dans cette zone volcanique très productive et le problème crucial d'ensablement des rizières. Si depuis peu, ces rizières ensablées devenaient de parcelles pour contenir provisoirement des cultures de légumes de contre saison, aujourd'hui, il n'y reste plus que de fragments de cailloux et de mauvaises herbes. Le président du quartier d'Atalata, Félecitin Rakotoarimalala marque ses inquiétudes : «si rien ne se fait, dans moins de dix ans, 30 ha de rizières disparaitront rien que dans ma circonscription », lâche-t-il. Le malheur ne vient jamais seul. Pire, le Grand lac d'Itasy en aval, principale source de revenus des habitants est en même temps envahi par les alluvions : « il faut aller de plus en plus loin pour pécher des poissons dont la taille devient de moins en moins grande », renchérit le président. Ce contexte conflictuel de la Région d'Itasy a amené les responsables du BIMTT (Bureau de liaison des Institutions de Formation en milieu Rural) à lancer la cartographie 3D dans cette localité. Malgré leurs contraintes, les femmes d'Atalata Vaovao n'ont pas baissé leurs bras. Elles sont les premières venues à répondre à l'appel. Sous la conduite de techniciens du BIMTT, soutenues par le CTA, elles ont participé activement au processus, avec quelques représentants du village, de la mairie d' Ampefy et des organismes de développement. Le processus a stimulé ces dames, déjà avides de développement.

Du développement personnel...

Pendant la fabrication de la maquette, les femmes ont joué un rôle principal. Celui de mobiliser la communauté entière, notamment les jeunes, les enfants et les adultes. « Elles travaillent dans le couloir mais disposent d'une force tranquille, très directive », reconnait Rajorosoana Razafimahatratra technicien du BIMTT. Elles jouent un rôle d'animateur et de rassembleur : « venez ! Mais où est-il passé ? Appelle-les ? Ne vous en rappelez-vous pas ? Vous êtes le seul à en savoir ! etc. », un véritable catalyseur ! Le processus de fabrication de la maquette au niveau des quartiers est comme un travail au foyer : la cuisson, la lessive, le nettoyage des vaisselles, les préparatifs des enfants pour l'école. Et souvent, c'est la mère qui y prend la commande. Dans l'exercice de 3D, les femmes sont beaucoup plus entreprenantes, habiles et pragmatiques dans le soin, l'ordre, la forme, l'esthétique, la mise à jour, l'entretien, les détails de la localisation (sentiers, sources, ruisseau...). La fabrication de la maquette d'Atalata Vaovao a été sous le contrôle du sexe féminin bien que les hommes s'affichent au premier plan. Il n'est pas étonnant qu'elles soient les premiers primées ! « Cela a relevé leur estime de soi, et renforcer leur confiance mutuelle » confirme le technicien du BIMTT. Le fait d'être invitée au processus est d'abord un signe de reconnaissance à leur existence. « Nous sommes invitées, donc nous pouvons en effet faire quelque chose !» s'affirme Aline Andriamampandry, secrétaire du groupement Mahiatrondro. Et de participer au processus de la fabrication de la maquette, c'est également pour elle un signe de reconnaissance à leurs œuvres. Non seulement elles se réjouissent de pouvoir s'exprimer, de donner leurs avis mais surtout d'être écoutées. Lors de la présentation de la maquette auprès des autorités ou des vazaha (hôtes étrangères), elles se défendent bec et ongles comme un étudiant soutenant une mémoire de fin d'Etudes. « Je ne m'imagine pas pouvoir faire tout ça ! » avoue Josephine Rasoanarilalaina Présidente du groupement Miavotra. Dans la culture malgache, le genre d'activité de construction est surtout consacré aux frères d'Adam. Mais aujourd'hui, tout cela est révolu pour ces paysannes, elles sont affranchies et déterminées au point de faire pression, de revendiquer leur droit. Elles sont pour l'heure à l'origine de revendication de plusieurs litiges fonciers à Ampefy. Pour mieux faire passer leurs idées de développement, certaines d'entre elles n'hésitent pas à participer aux différentes élections régionales.

...Au développement social

Le développement personnel des femmes se traduit en développement social et économique de la communauté autour d'elles. Elles et leurs Groupements sont reconnus aussi bien au sein de leur propre communauté qu'auprès de l'extérieur. La communauté les consulte. Les autorités communales s'adressent à eux pour des questions liées au développement local. Elles jouent le rôle d'interface entre le projet de développement et les bénéficiaires. « Nous avons recours à leurs groupements à chaque besoin de sensibilisation locale » confie un responsable de projet en eau potable. Dans la circonscription où les groupements (KF) sont implantés, le développement de la communauté est palpable. Rien que dans le village de Mahiatrondro de la Commune d'Analavory, la discussion enclenchée par la maquette a mis en garde les acteurs du danger engendré par de la dégradation de l'environnement. Les premiers impacts se sont répercutés au niveau de la mentalité des gens. Depuis deux ans, selon le président du quartier Justin Razafindrakoto, le feu de brousse a chuté de moitié, la défécation à l'air libre est éradiquée. La maquette a facilité l'identification des zones à reboiser, une collaboration avec le projet AgriSud fournisseurs de jeunes plants est en cours. 1.000 plants ont été mis sur terre. Le processus MP3D a fait comprendre aux acteurs que les terres disponibles sont de plus en plus rares, les femmes en sont les plus averties et passent à l'action. Du coup, elles ont diversifié leurs activités. Si les unes ont opté pour l'élevage et le gavage de Canard, les autres ont développé les greniers villageois, le guide touristique ou l'artisanat. Au point de vue sécurité, l'auto-défense populaire est mise en place et reconnue par le tribunal régional.

Des expériences qui font tâche d'huile

L'engagement des Comités pour le Développement d'Ampefy et d'Analavory ne s'arrête pas là ! D'une part, leur initiative fait tâche d'huile dans leur propre quartier pour enfanter plusieurs sous comités renforçant davantage le développement de la communauté locale. Neuf groupements (KF) ont vu le jour dans ces localités en moins de deux années. Convaincu de l'efficience de ces groupements, le chef de quartier a décidé de les intégrer dans la structure formelle de sa circonscription. Du fait de leur dynamisme, la mairie entend promulguer un arrêté communal nommant les paysans et paysannes membres des KF : Agents de Développement Villageois (ADV). D'autre part, leurs expériences ont franchi la frontière de la Commune et s'étendent dans les Communes voisines du District d'Analavory. Cela a été enclenché après la présentation de la maquette durant la foire régionale du district d'Analavory. Plusieurs autres Villages et Communes du District se proposent actuellement de créer leur propre comité de développement. Pour le Directeur régional de la FAFAFI, le résultat est évident : « le développement personnel des gens une fois acquis demeure à jamais et favorise un développement communautaire durable.» Les Comités pour le Développement sont le foyer de développement local dans toute la Région d'Itasy. « Quand les femmes sont accompagnées, moralement et techniquement, elles sont capables de faire des choses inimaginables » affirme le directeur. Dans le cas de MP3D, au moins un technicien est mis leur disposition tout au long du processus. Kidja Marie Francine, Directeur Général du Ministère de la Population et de la Promotion des Femmes, voit les initiatives très engageantes : « Nous soutenons les actions favorisant l'autonomisation des femmes » promet-elle.

Article écrit par Interview de Mamy Andriatiana pour le CTA

Inégalité de sexe à Madagascar : Les femmes rurales victimes de non droit

A Madagascar, les femmes représentent 50,6% de l'ensemble de la population. Elles sont une véritable force de travail, leurs insertions sur le marché de travail est de 62% contre 68% pour les hommes, notamment dans les activités informelles. En zone rurale, elles sont en activité permanente entre les travaux domestiques, telles que l'entretien du ménage, la préparation des repas, le décorticage du riz, la collecte de l'eau et du bois, les soins de santé des enfants et les activités agricoles. Elles sont à 78 % actives dans le secteur agricole où elle produit plus de la moitié des cultures vivrières. Soit : 16 et 18 heures de travail par jour.

Malgré leurs importantes contributions, elles sont peu estimées, moins valorisées. A la maison, l'homme occupe une position dominante par rapport à celle de la femme. Le DG du ministère de la population déplore : « si les deux époux rentrent à la maison chacun après un dur labeur, la femme n'a pas droit au repos et s'occupe de tout, alors que le mari peut se permettre de lire le journal.» Par ailleurs, elles ne sont pas héritières et n'ont pas accès à la terre. L'exploitation des terres incombe inévitablement à l'homme. L'adage le confirme «que vous soyez intelligente ou ignorante, vous restez une épouse.» Si un divorce arrive, elle risque de partir les mains vides. En plus, elles n'ont pas accès au crédit, car ne disposent d'aucuns biens (terres ou maisons...) pour garantir un éventuel prêt bancaire. Et pourtant la loi en vigueur stipule l'égalité de droit pour tous les individus (homme et femme). Droit de propriété, droit d'hériter, droit d'exploiter, droit de jouir de parts égales (moitié-moitié) au régime matrimonial. A Madagascar, les obstacles à l'égalité effective entre hommes et femmes se situent au niveau de l'application des lois, de fait de la prédominance des coutumes et tabous sociaux sur l'effectivité des droits des femmes mais aussi de l'absence de textes d'application.

How Participatory 3D Modelling has contributed to women’s personal development in Madagascar

Rural women in Ampefy and Analavory are emerging from years of years of subordination and passivity, taking charge of their own development and overcoming numerous obstacles to their emancipation. Their key role in regional development is increasingly recognised by the administrative and traditional authorities, development partners and the local community. This article shows how participatory 3-D modelling helps women fulfil their potential.

Rural development agents on a field visit to see how silting has damaged rice fields in Atalata Vaovao, a fokontany (neighbourhood) in Ampefy commune in the Itasy region of mid-western Madagascar, wondered what could have driven a pregnant woman to walk over 8 km to join them at the site. When asked what had prompted her to carry a heavy bag for several hours under the blazing sun, enduring the long journey without a word of complaint, she pointed to the badly eroded slope opposite. “Look at the damage it’s done! This hill has silted up all our rice fields. And I’m not going to stand by quietly while nothing is done to deal with this monster!” That was their introduction to Jeannette Raharimalala, a founding member of Tolotra local development committee (KF), a 10-member association created to raise awareness of the need for social and economic development in the neighbourhood. Although Tolotra is open to men, two-thirds of its members are women – individuals whose dynamism has astonished the regional director of FAFAFI, an NGO that supports development committees. Praising their “fearless and increasingly bold and enterprising approach”, she noted that “they’ve been active for several years but have made huge progress since 2015, when they first became involved in the P3DM process.”

Rural women overshadowed by men

Like their sisters in other regions of Madagascar, rural women in Atalata Vaovao are used to living in the shadow of their husbands and brothers. Men have jobs, go to the office and attend meetings, while women stay at home to look after the children, prepare meals, serve their menfolk and then retreat to the kitchen. Few women work in offices or lead organisations, and those who speak in public are frowned upon in rural Madagascar. The two main concerns for local people in this highly productive volcanic area are the land shortages and tenure issues left by the French colonial authorities, and the increasingly pressing problem of silting in their paddy fields. Recent efforts to grow out-of-season vegetables in these parcels have fizzled out and they now yield little more than weeds and stones. The community leader in Atalata, Félecitin Rakotoarimalalais, worries that “if nothing is done, my area alone stands to lose 30 hectares of rice fields in less than 10 years.” And if that wasn’t bad enough, Lake Itasy, which is the main source of income for many local people, is filling up with alluvium “so we have to travel further to catch increasingly small fish.” When the Liaison Office for Rural Training Institutions (BIMTT) introduced 3-D mapping exercises to help resolve potential conflicts in Itasy Region, the women of Atalata Vaovao were the first to turn their hand to the task despite the many constraints they face. Led by BIMTT technicians, supported by CTA and working alongside various representatives of the village, Ampefy town hall and development agencies, these women played an active role in a process that sharpened their already considerable appetite for development.

From personal development...

The 3-D model of Atalata Vaovao could not have been built without the local women, who played a key role in mobilizing community members of all ages behind the exercise. BIMTT technician Rajorosoana Razafimahatratra recalled how they acted as convenors and facilitators, “working in the corridors and leading with a quiet strength.” You’d hear them moving things along, galvanising everyone into action: “Come along now! Where’s so-and-so gone? See where they are! Can you remember what to do? You’re the only one who knows how to do it!”  Making 3-D models calls for the same kind of skills needed to organise the cooking, cleaning and laundry and get children off to school every day – and the women involved in this exercise proved much more enterprising, practical and pragmatic than the men in terms of their attention to detail, process, form, design, maintenance, getting the precise location of paths, springs and streams, updating information etc. Although the men were initially involved, it was the women who were really in charge and were best at making the model! The BIMTT technician also noted how “it improved their self-esteem and built mutual trust.” Women saw the invitation to join the model-making process as a form of recognition for their efforts. Aline Andriamampandry, secretary of the Mahiatrondro group, said that “being asked to participate means we can actually do something!” They were delighted to be able to express themselves, give an opinion, and above all be listened to. When the model was presented to the authorities and visitors (vazaha), they stood their ground like students defending their final thesis. Josephine Rasoanarilalaina, President of the Miavotra group admitted “I never thought I could do something like that!” Madagascan culture has always regarded making things as men’s work, but these women see things differently now and are determined to claim their rights. Some women from Ampefy have started land litigation procedures, while others are participating in regional elections in order to spread their ideas about development.

... to social development

Women’s personal development contributes to local social and economic development. Individual women and their groups are now recognised and consulted by their own and other communities. The communal authorities ask them about local development issues, and they act as an interface between development projects and beneficiaries. The manager of one drinking water project reported that “We use their groups whenever we need to do local awareness-raising exercises,” and said they have had a noticeable effect on community development. In the village of Mahiatrondro in the commune of Analavory, discussions sparked by the model have alerted people to the dangers of environmental degradation and are starting to have an impact on their way of thinking. Neighbourhood leader Justin Razafindrakoto reports that bushfires have halved and open defecation has been eradicated in the last two years. The 3-D model helped identify areas needing reforestation, and 1,000 saplings have been planted as part of an ongoing collaboration with the AgriSud project, which provides young plants. Having learned about the increasing scarcity of available land from the P3DM process, women have been quick to diversify their activities and started rearing livestock, fattening ducks, developing village granaries, producing and selling craftwork and acting as tourist guides. A local security service has also been set up and is now recognised by the regional court.

Aline R. Secretaire du Comité pour le Développement du Village de Mahiatrondro, Commune d'Ampefy

The knock-on effects of these experiences

The development committees in Ampefy and Analavory seem to be unstoppable! Their efforts are having knock-on effects in their own neighbourhood, and have spawned several sub-committees that are working on further community development initiatives. The neighbourhood chief was so impressed by the nine new groups (KF) that have been set up in the last two years that he incorporated them into the formal structure of his constituency, and their dynamism prompted the town hall to promulgate a communal order appointing KF members as Village Development Agents (VDAs). Their influence extends beyond their own commune to others in the district of Analavory, where their 3-D model was presented at the regional fair. Several other villages and communes in the district now intend to set up their own development committees, and these committees have become a focus for local development across the whole region of Itasy. The regional director of FAFAFI thinks the results speak for themselves. She believes that “personal development has a lasting impact on the individuals concerned and encourages sustainable community development,” and that “women are capable of doing incredible things with the right moral and technical support.”  At least one technician has been made available to work with women throughout the whole P3DM process, which is regarded as a very promising initiative by the Ministry for Population and Women’s Advancement. Its Director General, Kidja Marie Francine, has promised to support actions that help empower women.

Article written by Interview by Mamy Andriatiana for CTA

Gender inequality in Madagascar, where the law provides little protection for rural women

Women represent 50.6% of the population in Madagascar, where 62% of women and 68% of men are active on the labour market, especially in the informal sector. Rural women are always on the go, spending 16 to 18 hours a day on domestic chores such as housekeeping, preparing meals, husking rice, collecting water and wood, looking after children and working in the fields. Around 78% of women work in the agricultural sector, where they produce over half of all food crops.

But despite everything they do, women are under-valued, held in low regard and dominated by men, even in the household. The DG of the Ministry for Population laments the fact that "when a married couple come home after a hard day's work, the woman cannot rest as she's expected to do everything while her husband reads the paper." Women cannot access or inherit land, which is regarded as the men's domain, and are told "whether you're smart or stupid, you're still a wife." They run the risk of being left empty-handed if their marriage ends in divorce, and cannot get credit because they have no collateral (land or property) to offset possible loans. The current law states that all individuals (men and women) have equal rights to ownership, exploitation and inheritance and an equal share of matrimonial property, but social customs, taboos and a lack of implementing legislation mean that in reality, women in Madagascar have far fewer rights than men.

Saturday, January 07, 2017

Le savoir et l’eau : favoriser la croissance Modélisation participative en 3D dans le Darfour du Nord

Le Darfour du Nord est une région sèche et poussiéreuse la majeure partie de l’année ; mais lorsqu’il pleut, le retour de la végétation lui redonne vie. Wadi El Ku, un cours d’eau saisonnier, se met soudain à couler et à alimenter en eau des milliers d’individus, leur bétail et leurs cultures. Cette région est vitale car elle est le grenier de la ville d’El Fasher, la capitale du Darfour du Nord où vivent environ 700 mille habitants.

Mais au cours des 20 dernières années, l’environnement a subi une dégradation généralisée aggravée par le changement climatique. Cette vidéo raconte l'histoire de certains habitants de cette zone qui ont uni leurs forces pour réfléchir et trouver des solutions durables notamment en ce qui concerne le manque d'eau et sa mauvaise gestion.

Le savoir et l'eau : favoriser la croissance - Modélisation participative en 3D dans le Darfour du Nord from CTA on Vimeo.

Cette activité de modélisation participative fait partie du 'Projet de gestion du bassin hydrographique de Wadi El Ku pour le développement des communautés et le maintien de la paix', financé par l'Union européenne en coopération avec le Programme des Nations Unies pour l'environnement (PNUE), Practical Action et le CTA.

Pour en savoir plus

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Friday, January 06, 2017

Opportunity for PGIS practitioners to map Batak ancestral lands and indigenous peoples’ and community conserved areas and territories (ICCAs) in Northern Palawan, the Philippines

The Coalition against Land Grabbing (CALG) is a national coalition of indigenous peoples and local communities based in the province of Palawan (the Philippines). CALG is looking for young PGIS practitioners to help mapping Batak ancestral lands and ICCAs in northern Palawan. Specifically, they seek support for GPS-based resources inventories, geotagging of relevant locations (hunting grounds, upland farms, ritual sites, etc.).

One  aim of the project is to generate interactive maps that could serve to raise awareness on how the Batak of Palawan manage and perceive their cultural landscape. The interactive display of satellite imagery, enriched with location-based multimedia and other  layers of information, would also provide evidence of on-going threats to forest resources and Batak livelihood and cultural integrity.

Social cartography, emphasizing culturally distinct understanding of landscape, will be overlapped with geo-spatial maps.  The former will include the use of local place names, information on the actual and historical land uses, oral traditions, cosmovisions and testimonies linked to short video-clips syndicated from Google Video or You Tube, photographs (via Panoramio) and text.

CALG envisages that these maps would become the discursive patrimony of the Batak indigenous people and provide them with the necessary legal evidence to apply for Certificates of Ancestral Land Titles (CALTs) and to have their ICCAs included in the ICCA Registry of the United Nations Environment Programme-World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC).

The project is on-going and it will end in June 2018.  Assistance for geotagging and mapping is particularly sought during the dry season (between February and May 2017), depending on the availability of PGIS practitioners.  Due to global climate changes, dry season is not necessarily confined to the period mentioned above, but could also extend up to June.

selected candidates will receive free food and lodging during the research, domestic travel costs will be reimbursed and a basic honorarium based on Philippine’s standards will be provided.

During the various stages of project implementation CALG and PGIS practitioners will closely collaborate with the Batak Federation (Bayaan it Batak kat Palawan – BBKP).

Those interested can approach the Coalition against Land Grabbing (CALG) through this email address:

Most recent CALG geotagged reports 

Thursday, January 05, 2017

Knowledge like water: nurturing growth Participatory 3D mapping in North Darfur

North Darfur is a dry, dusty place for much of the year; but when it rains, it comes alive with greenery. Wadi El Ku, a seasonal watercourse, suddenly flows providing water to thousands of people, their livestock and crops, which is the lifeline or breadbasket in El Fasher town, the capital of North Darfur, home to approximately 700 thousand people.

However, in the past 20 years, there has been widespread environmental degradation compounded by climate change. This video animation shows how local communities have been joining forces to find solutions, particularly as they relate to water scarcity and poor water management.

Knowledge like water: nurturing growth - Participatory 3D mapping in North Darfur from CTA on Vimeo.

The participatory mapping activity described in this video took place in 2015, in the framework of the European Union-funded 'Wadi El Ku Catchment Management Project for Livelihoods Development and Sustainable Peace' project and has been facilitated jointly by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Practical Action and CTA.

Find out more

See photos and further details about the project 'The Wadi El Ku Catchment Management Project (WEK) for Livelihoods Development and Sustainable Peace'
Read more about the project on UNEP's website
Watch the video animation in French or in Arabic

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Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Life on the move - Pastoral life and livestock cross-border trade in Northern Uganda through the lens of participatory mapping

Cross-border livestock trade in dryland eastern Africa significantly contributes to the enhancement of food security and generation of wealth. It supports the livelihoods of a wide range of actors including pastoralists, livestock traders and processors.

In this context the International Institute of Rural Reconstruction (IIRR) with finalcial and technical support provided by the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA), organised a P3DM workshop to identify key spatial characteristics of the livestock trading routes and marketing practices and bring the different stakeholders (including local authorities) around the same table, share information, discuss challenges and envisage mutually beneficial solutions.

The participatory mapping activity took place in Amudat in August 2016 and focused on the Achorichori Micro-catchment in Karamoja which includes Achorichor, Loroo, Amudat and Moruita Parishes. The area falls within the belt of livestock migratory movement, farmlands, cross-border livestock trade, grazing lands and water points. The mapped area covers approximately 546 sq. km.

The mapping exercise helped identify and locate wet and dry season grazing areas, farmland, forests and patchy pastures. Point items include schools, functional and non-functional boreholes, heath facilities, market places, maize mills, police posts but also churches, shrines and small gardens. Community representatives located on the 3D map all features they consider as important to the ir livelihoods. Their feedback about the mapping process are captured in the film.

Other participating organisations included:

ERMIS Africa, Kenya (P3DM facilitation)
ESIPPS International, Uganda (GIS support)
Vision Care Foundation (VCF), Uganda (community mobilizing)

French version of the film:

Friday, December 16, 2016

Global Drone Regulations Database Launched

Geneva, 15 December 2016 – FSD and partners announce the launch of a new repository of global drone regulations. The database includes summaries of national laws of more than 100 countries with the aim to help better inform drone pilots and stakeholders. In the ongoing effort to document the rapidly changing regulatory landscape, CTA, the New America Foundation, the Humanitarian UAV Network, senseFly, Parrot, FSD and EU Humanitarian Aid have joined forces to make this resource available. Volunteers are encouraged to help further improve its contents by signing up and suggesting edits.

The database can be accessed at
For information contact: Denise Soesilo, RPAS Project Manager FSD or +41 22 907 3603

Thursday, October 20, 2016

The Matura national Park Participatory 3D Model (P3DM) – A Participant’s Experience

As we continue to feature the Matura Participatory 3D Model building exercise, it is important to understand the merit of this initiative to community members. Ms. Evana Douglas hails from the Matelot to Matura region, and represents the Sky-Eco Organisation. Evana participated in this project and shares her knowledge gained from this experience.

Having participated in this P3DM model building exercise, how would you describe your experience overall?
In a single word, the exercise was informative. Community projects do not normally take on a participatory approach and are often specific to a particular community (e.g. Toco, Grande Riviere, Matura, etc.).
Knowledge holders contributing data to the 3D model

This particular exercise incorporated all communities from Matura to Matelot and afforded the opportunity for networking with technocrats and neighbouring communities. It was also fun and euphoric working with different people from different backgrounds towards a single goal.

What are some of the key lessons learnt from being part of this P3DM exercise?
There were many lessons learnt during this exercise, the most important in my opinion, is the awareness and appreciation for the Matura to Matelot environment (not just the ESA but the surrounding neighbourhood as well) that resulted from being a part of the development of the model. Personally, I have also developed a sense of ownership for the natural resources of the region and the model itself, as I was able to identify key areas on the model that I am both familiar with and dependent on. Some areas and activities were even eye opening.

What value do you see coming out of this model?
The model can be used in almost all areas of development. Because the area has a mixture of coastal and terrestrial culture, the impacts of this interface are critical and can be illustrated with the model. As such, it is a tool for all levels of education and expertise and should be made mandatory in national spatial development initiatives; for example the proposed Highway and Seaport infrastructure. Of course there is significant room for improvement as the Matura National Park (MNP) in isolation doesn't actually reflect the implications to the communities and other areas that are not included in the MNP. As a result, there is potential for incorporating the entire coastal zone (from ridge to reef) to reflect the extent of area, its development potential and the impacts on all areas of the watershed. There is also potential for economic and cultural development using the model as residents are able to identify places of interest and potential for sustainable activities.

Do you think other communities or protected areas such as Matura should use the P3DM tool?
Application in other areas; whether protected or not, should be made mandatory. Modeling is the basis for understanding the environment and impacts of human based activities on the environment; to which our livelihoods depend. In most cases, various forms of 2D modelling are applied using complex programs like GIS and RS. These often lack information or are just too complex for residents; especially those from rural communities. The 3D model however is a literal miniature replication of the area and can be understood at all levels of education and expertise; making it quite an effective to in spatial development and management of our natural resources (not just the MNP).

SourceSunday Guardian, 28 august 2016

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Drone governance: study of policies, laws and regulations governing the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in ACP countries

The use of UAVs or drones in the management of crops, livestock, fisheries, forests and other natural resource-based activities represents a new technological frontier and opens up a range of exciting opportunities. However, the use of UAVs is a recent phenomenon and interested users and national civil aviation authorities are facing challenges linked to their use within their skies. To realise the full potential of the technology while ensuring the safety and privacy of citizens, two things are necessary: enabling regulatory regimes and increasing awareness of the rules and regulations surrounding civil use of UAVs.

Although the European Commission recently supported the establishment of an online repository of information concerning regulations issued by all European countries, there is no similar comprehensive database on existing and forthcoming policies, laws and regulations governing the use of UAVs in ACP countries. The Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation ACP-EU (CTA), an international organisation funded mainly by the European Union and operating in 79 African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries wishes to facilitate the responsible use of UAVs and related software applications to improve the effective management of crops, fishing grounds and other resource-based activities.

To that end, this study assessed the existence or absence of policies, rules and regulations governing the use of UAVs in all 79 ACP countries. The results are quite telling: as of April 2016, 73% of ACP countries did not have any rules or regulations in place; 19% had some regulations in place; and 8% were in the process of formulating them. CTA hopes that this database will help to increase awareness of the rules and regulations surrounding UAV use, promote their responsible use and help to fully realise their potential in the management of crops, fisheries and other resources.

The report is available as a download on CTA's online publications' portal.

Data gathered in the course of the study have been published on a site hosted by The Swiss Foundation for Mine Action (FSD) and is accessible on this wiki which allows online collaboration.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

The Power of Maps - Bringing the Third Dimension to the Negotiation Table

Participatory 3D modelling (P3DM) is one of the most remarkable innovations of the late 20th century. It is remarkable because it brings together three elements that many would consider incompatible – local spatial and natural resource knowledge, geographic information systems (GIS) and physical modelling.

As the inspiring accounts in this volume show, it can do this in many environments, of varied sizes and involving many people, sometimes more than a hundred and inclusively, both young and old. When well prepared and facilitated, as so amply illustrated here, the process gives rise to a progressive creative synergy. This empowers communities, by enabling them to share and express in lasting visual form the rich detail of what they know and by providing them with a tool for analysis, decision-making, advocacy, action and monitoring.

This volume bears testimony to the multiple uses and values of P3DM. In the examples described, the uses to which communities have put their models include natural resource planning and management; land and ocean rehabilitation; mapping their ancestral territories and establishing their rights; planning for conservation; disaster risk reduction and adaptation to climate change and variability; educating children in schools about their history and cultural heritage; bringing together community members with differences; and negotiating with officials and influencing policy.

Foreword by Robert Chambers, IDS

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in English
in French

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Participatory 3D model by indigenous community in Nicaragua

This 3D model has been developed with assistance provided by the Centro para la Autonomía y Desarollo de los Pueblos Indígenas (CADPI) by the indigenous community of Miguel Bikan in Nicaragua and has been used for monitoring, reporting and verification. In completing and using the model, the community has a community-based monitoring information system.

Wednesday, September 07, 2016

Sharing lessons with the world - Tonga’s P3DM success story

HONOLULU, 5 September 2016. Tonga was represented on the world stage at the World Conservation Congress in Hawaii this week. The island kingdom successfully carried out Participatory Three-Dimensional Modelling (P3DM) for the Vava’u island group this year as part of the Integrated Island Biodiversity Project.

At a special event to launch the Power of Maps book at the World Conservation Congress, Ms. Ana Fekau, the IIB Project Coordinator of Tonga shared their story of the P3DM process and how it helped to strengthen community engagement in planning for the conservation of biodiversity in Tonga.

“The process in developing the first P3DM in the Kingdom of Tonga brought communities together, the elderlies, youth and school children. The P3DM was not just a tool for planning purposes, but was also a tool to empower communities and to hear their voices through the stories they were sharing during the process,” said Ms. Fekau.

Hindou Ibrahim Omarou opening the session on the book lauch
(Image credit: Mikaela Jade)
The IIB Project supports an integrated ecosystem approach to the biodiversity conservation management at the local level in the Cook Islands, Nauru, Tonga and Tuvalu. The four year project finishes at the end of this year.

“The World Conservation Congress has provided an excellent platform to showcase and share Tonga’s P3DM work that was successfully completed under this project, and the expansion of this work to Nauru and the Cook Islands,” said Ms Easter Galuvao, Biodiversity Adviser at the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment (SPREP).

Ms Ana FeKau presenting at the book launch
(Image credit: Nigel Crawhall)
During her presentation, Ms Fekau explained the 3D participatory process, the challenges faced and valuable lessons resulting from Tonga’s P3DM, including her role in the successful replication of P3DM in the main island of Tongatapu.

I wish to express sincere thanks and acknowledge the GEFPAS IIB Project and SPREP for facilitating the P3DM for Tonga, the Samoa Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment for providing their valuable technical expertise and to the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rurel Cooperation ACP-EU (CTA) for their support,” said Ms Fekau during her presentation.

The presentation was given at a side event at the IUCN World Conservation Congress (WCC) currently underway in Honolulu, Hawaii is attended by over 9,000 participants from around the world and will wrap up on the 10 September.

The GEFPAS Integrated Island Biodiversity (IIB) Project is funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF), implemented through the United Nations Environment Programme (UNDP) and executed by SPREP in the Cook Islands, Nauru, Tonga and Tuvalu.

Note: Ms Ana Fekau works at the Ministry of Meteorology, Energy, Information, Disaster Management, Environment, Climate Change and  Communications (MEIDECC), in Nuku`alofa, Tonga

Sunday, September 04, 2016

A Shared Perspective for (Public) Participatory Geographic Information Systems (P/PGIS) and Volunteered Geographic Information VGI - Published on The Cartographic Journal on 2 September 2016

The paper A Shared Perspective for PGIS and VGI reviews persistent principles of participation processes. On the basis of a review of recent interrogations of the (Public) Participatory Geographic Information Systems (P)PGIS and Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) approaches, a summary of five prevailing principles in participatory spatial information handling is presented.

We investigate these five principles that are common to (P)PGIS and VGI on the basis of a framework of two dimensions that govern the participatory use of spatial information from the perspective of people and society.

This framework is presented as a shared perspective of (P)PGIS and VGI and illustrates that, although both share many of these same principles, the ways in which these principles are approached are highly diverse.

The paper ends with a future outlook in which we discuss the inter-connected memes of potential technological futures, the signification of localness in ‘local spatial knowledge’, and the ramifications of ethical tenets by which PGIS and VGI can strengthen each other as two sides of the same coin.

Citation: Jeroen Verplanke, Michael K. McCall, Claudia Uberhuaga, Giacomo
Rambaldi & Muki Haklay (2016): A Shared Perspective for PGIS and VGI, The Cartographic
Journal, DOI: 10.1080/00087041.2016.1227552

To link to this article:

Friday, September 02, 2016

Des cartes qui changent tout : comment des maquettes en 3D aident les communautés rurales à faire entendre leur voix

La construction de véritables maquettes en trois dimensions dans les villages contribue à réunir le savoir traditionnel et les connaissances scientifiques modernes pour relever des défis allant de la dégradation des sols à la planification de l’utilisation des terres, en passant par la gestion des forêts et le changement climatique. La technique, connue sous le nom de «modélisation participative en trois dimensions», permet aux communautés marginalisées de présenter leur territoire – ainsi que les connaissances approfondies qu’ils en ont – sous une forme visuelle. Ce processus leur offre ainsi l’occasion de protéger de précieuses ressources naturelles des menaces extérieures et de les préserver pour les générations futures. Certaines des expériences sur le terrain sont réunies dans un nouvel ouvrage. Le pouvoir des cartes - Quand la 3D s'invite à la table des négociations est publié par le Centre technique de coopération agricole et rurale (CTA), qui est en première ligne de la promotion de cette pratique dans les pays d’Afrique, des Caraïbes et du Pacifique (ACP).

Développée au début des années 1990 en Asie du Sud-Est, la modélisation participative en trois dimensions (MP3D) gagne rapidement du terrain dans d’autres régions du monde en développement. Les modèles participatifs en 3D, fabriqués en carton et illustrés à l’aide de peintures de couleur, de punaises et de fil, représentent l’occupation des terres, par exemple les zones cultivées, les rivières et les forêts, ainsi que d’autres caractéristiques, comme les ressources côtières et la profondeur des mers. Les maquettes montrent aussi les connaissances traditionnelles, comme les droits fonciers ancestraux et les lieux sacrés. Ces éléments sont généralement fournis par les aînés de la communauté, tandis que les plus jeunes construisent la carte elle-même. Le résultat est une maquette en relief, indépendante, qui constitue un outil efficace d’analyse, de prise de décision, de plaidoyer, d’action et de suivi.

« Le savoir sur les ressources terrestres, forestières et aquatiques accumulé au fil du temps et transmis de génération en génération représente un atout majeur pour les populations rurales », affirme le Directeur du CTA, Michael Hailu. « La possibilité de compiler et de géo référencer des connaissances locales et de les représenter sous la forme de cartes en trois dimensions représente une occasion unique pour les populations locales de faire entendre leur voix lors des décisions en matière de gestion durable de leurs ressources. »

Souvent, le processus de modélisation participative en trois dimensions favorise lui-même l’autonomie. Il rapproche des communautés et des générations et les aide à visualiser l’étendue de leurs ressources et la façon dont le changement climatique et d’autres menaces, comme l’extraction minière et la déforestation, peuvent les impacter. Une fois terminée, la maquette reste dans la communauté.

Des études de cas menées en Éthiopie, aux Fidji et à Madagascar montrent comment la MP3D a permis le développement de plans de gestion des ressources naturelles par la communauté. D’autres exemples décrits dans la publication révèlent que cette technique permet aux communautés rurales marginalisées de faire entendre leur voix. En République démocratique du Congo, la communauté pygmée Bambuti-Batwa s’est servie d’un exercice de MP3D pour négocier sur ce qu’ils considèrent comme une injustice : leur expulsion du territoire qu’ils occupent depuis des générations.

La cartographie en trois dimensions a aussi permis à une tribu de chasseurs-cueilleurs au Kenya, les Ogiek, de documenter ses droits territoriaux ancestraux et systèmes de connaissances traditionnels. Tandis qu’à Tobago, une île des Caraïbes qui a subi une série de phénomènes climatologiques extrêmes ces dernières années, la MP3D a servi à orienter les stratégies communautaires de réduction des risques de catastrophes naturelles.

La coopération Sud-Sud contribue à faire connaître la pratique de la modélisation participative en trois dimensions et le CTA est étroitement impliqué dans les efforts de partage des activités de formation et de facilitation entre les îles des Caraïbes et du Pacifique et une série de pays africains.

La MP3D peut avoir d’autres retombées positives, notamment en offrant de nouvelles compétences et une confiance en soi accrue aux individus impliqués dans le processus et en dégageant des financements pour la mise en œuvre d’activités dans les communautés. Citons la Grenade à titre d’exemple où une maquette participative en 3D a eu un impact direct sur la communauté qui l’a créée en mobilisant des financements des bailleurs de fonds pour l'adaptation au changement climatique sur une partie du littoral gravement endommagée par un ouragan.

« La modélisation participative en 3D, le processus au cœur de cette publication, s’est révélée efficace pour récolter chez diverses personnes une quantité substantielle de ce que l’on qualifie de connaissances tacites et pour assembler des points de vue individuels dans une représentation partagée, visible et tangible des connaissances collégiales », déclare Giacomo Rambaldi, Coordonnateur de Programme Sénior, en charge de la participation du CTA aux processus de MP3D. «L’ajout d’un emplacement géographique à toute information ou donnée accroît sa pertinence. La MP3D permet donc à ceux qui détiennent les connaissances de visualiser et de géo référencer leur savoir traditionnel et de nouer un dialogue d’égal à égal avec des étrangers. »

Vous pouvez commander un exemplaire imprimé et télécharger le livre.

Powerful maps: how building 3D models is helping rural communities to make their voices heard

A process of building three-dimensional physical models in a village setting is helping to bring together traditional and modern scientific knowledge to tackle challenges ranging from soil degradation to land use planning, and from forest management to climate change. The technique, known as Participatory 3-dimensional modelling (P3DM) enables marginalised communities to present their territory – together with their own valuable knowledge – in a visual form, offering them the opportunity to protect precious natural resources from outside threats and preserve them for future generations. Some of the field experiences have been published in a new report. The Power of Maps: Bringing the third dimension to the negotiation table is published by the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA), which has been in the forefront of promoting the practice across African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries.

Developed in the early 1990s in Southeast Asia, P3DM is rapidly gaining ground in other parts of the developing world. Participatory 3D models, made out of cardboard and illustrated with coloured paints, pushpins and yarn, portray land cover, such as farmland, rivers and forests, as well as other features, including coastal resources and sea depth. Uniquely, they also depict traditional knowledge, such as ancestral land rights and sacred places. These features are generally supplied by elders in the community, while younger members build the map itself. The result is a free standing relief model which provides tangible evidence of local knowledge, serving as an effective tool for analysis, decision-making, advocacy, action and monitoring.

“Knowledge built up over time and passed from generation to generation represents a unique asset for rural communities when it comes to their land, forest and aquatic resources,” said CTA Director Michael Hailu. “The ability to collate and geo-reference local knowledge and represent it in the form of 3-dimensional maps offers a unique opportunity for local communities to have a voice in decisions on how to sustainably manage their resources.

Often, the process of participatory 3-dimensional modelling is in itself empowering, bringing communities and generations together and helping them to visualise the extent of their resources, and how climate change and other threats, such as mining and deforestation, may be affecting them. Once completed, the physical model remains with the community.

Case studies presented from Ethiopia, Fiji and Madagascar show how P3DM has led to the development of community-driven natural resource management plans. Other examples of P3DM initiatives described in the book demonstrate how the technique can give marginalised rural people a voice to make their case heard. In the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Bambuti-Batwa pygmy community used a P3DM exercise to drive talks on what they claim is the injustice of being evicted from the territory they had inhabited for generations.

Three-dimensional mapping has helped the Kenyan hunter-gatherer Ogiek tribe to document its ancestral land rights and knowledge systems. Meanwhile, In Tobago, a Caribbean island that has suffered a series of extreme climate events in recent years, P3DM has been used to guide community-driven disaster risk reduction strategies.

South-South cooperation is helping to make the practice of participatory 3-dimensional modelling become better known and CTA has been closely involved in efforts to share training and facilitation between Caribbean and Pacific Islands and a range of African countries.

Experiences of P3DM can generate other benefits, such as offering new skills and self-confidence to individuals engaged in the process and funding for communities to implement activities. A case in point is Grenada, where a participatory 3D model had a direct impact on the community that created it, by mobilising donor funding for climate change adaptation on a stretch of the coastline badly affected by hurricane damage.

Participatory 3D modelling, the process documented in this book, has proved to be successful in eliciting substantial amounts of what is termed as tacit knowledge from individuals, to collate individual world views into a shared, visible and tangible representation of collegial knowledge,” said Senior Programme Coordinator Giacomo Rambaldi, who has led CTA’s involvement in P3DM. Adding ‘location’ to any piece of information or datum makes it even more relevant. Hence P3DM enables knowledge holders to visualise and geo-reference their traditional knowledge and to engage outsiders in a peer-to-peer dialogue.”

You can order a hard copy and download the book.

Making Maps, Third Edition: A Visual Guide to Map Design for GIS

Lauded for its accessibility and beautiful design, this text has given thousands of students and professionals the tools to create effective, compelling maps.

Using a wealth of illustrations--with 74 in full color--to elucidate each concisely presented point, the revised and updated third edition of Making Maps: A Visual Guide to Map Design for GIS continues to emphasize how design choices relate to the reasons for making a map and its intended purpose.

All components of map making are covered: titles, labels, legends, visual hierarchy, font selection, how to turn phenomena into visual data, data organization, symbolization, and more.

Innovative pedagogical features include a short graphic novella, good design/poor design map examples, end-of-chapter suggestions for further reading, and an annotated map examplar that runs throughout the book.

by John Krygier PhD (Author), Denis Wood PhD (Author)

Paperback: 293 pages
Publisher: The Guilford Press; 3 edition (August 2, 2016)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1462509983
ISBN-13: 978-146250998

Monday, August 22, 2016

#12614 – Book Launch and Reception for ‘The power of maps: Bringing the third dimension to the negotiation table’, a CTA Success Stories publication on participatory GIS practice

IUCN World Conservation Congress 2016, Hawai’i, USA, 
Friday, 2 September 2016, 19:30-21:00
Room 314-UNDP Kauhale

Abstract of the session (including reception, drinks and snacks)

This session will see the launch of a collection of 12 impact stories about participatory 3-dimensional modelling (P3DM) – an innovative process that maps traditional knowledge as physical three-dimensional models. P3DM enables marginalised communities to present their territory – together with their own valuable knowledge – in a physical and visual form, offering an opportunity to monitor precious resources against outside threats and preserve them for future generations. It helps to foster sustainable natural resource management, gives a voice to grassroots communities and helps them to influence policy-making and make informed decisions on climate change adaptation. The Power of Maps: Bringing the third dimension to the negotiation table is published by the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA), which has been in the forefront of activities to promote the practice across African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries.

Speakers include those who narrated stories captured in the book and others who have been practicing P3DM across several continents and for diverse purposes.

Objectives of the event

  1. To launch a new CTA publication which is part of the ‘Success stories’ series
  2. To demonstrate the value of participatory mapping in three dimensions and its impact on identity building, informed spatial planning and community engagement
  3. To discuss how best to further upscale the deployment of the process in community-based initiatives

Format and Programme 

The general format of the workshop will be as follows (total time: 90 min):
  • Opening, introduction of speakers and key questions to be addressed (5 minutes)
  • Video address by CTA (3 min)
  • First set of two presentations (7-10 minutes each) (20 minutes)
  • Questions and answers, followed by discussion related to the first set of presentations (15 minutes)
  • Second set of two presentations (7-10 minutes each) (20 minutes)
  • Questions and answers, followed by discussion related to the second set of presentations and for general discussion as well.  (20 minutes)
  • Closing comments (5 min) 

Detailed programme:

19:30-onwards: Reception, serving of snacks and drinks

19:35-19:40 Opening, introduction of speakers and key questions to be addressed Dialogue moderator: Hindou Ibrahim, IPACC West Africa Coordinator

19:40-19:45 Address and introduction of the publication (video link); Giacomo Rambaldi, CTA Senior programme coordinator

19:45-20:05 First set of two presentations:
Senoveva Mauli, Solomon Islands Community Conservation Partnership (SICCP), Solomon Islands
Ana Fekau, Min of Environment in Tonga

20:05-20:20 Q&A and discussion (on first set of presentations)

20:20-20:40 Second set of two presentations
Nigel Crawhall, IPACC, South Africa
M’Lis Flynn, Wet Tropics Management Authority (on private capacity), Australia

20:40-20:55 Q&A and discussion (on second set of questions) Time allowed for general discussion as well.

20:55-21:00 Closing comments and distribution of copies of the publication to participants: Nigel Crawhall, IPACC, South Africa

Download programme

Monday, August 01, 2016

Participatory 3D Modeling exercise with pastoralist communities in Karamoja, Uganda

The Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation ACP-EU (CTA) in partnership with the International Institute of Rural Reconstruction (IIRR), ERMIS Africa, ESIPPS International Ltd and Vision Care Foundation (VCF) supported the implementation of a ‪Participatory‬ 3D Modelling (‪P3DM‬) exercise in Northern ‪Uganda‬, within the ‪‎Karamoja‬ Cluster.

The process took place in the framework of the larger CTA-funded “Building resilient Pastoral Communities through Cross-border Livestock Value Chains in the IGAD region” project.

The P3DM exercise, and specifically its training component benefits also from support provided by the UNDP Equator Initiative which sponsored the participation of the director of the Oromia Pastoralist Association (OPA).

Other organisations which attended the process for capacity building purposes included Communication without borders (CwB), SIKOM PeaceNet Development and delegates from the Endorois and Kayas peoples from Kenya.

Those interested in the process can see a series of pictures on @PGISatCTA Twitter account.

All tweets related to the event include the hashtag ‪#‎p3dmUG‬ 

More importantly CTA commissioned the production of a documentary related to the process which will be available on

Participatory 3D Modeling exercise with pastoralist communities in Karamoja, Uganda - Start following now!

The Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation ACP-EU (CTA) in partnership with the International Institute of Rural Reconstruction (IIRR), ERMIS Africa, ESIPPS International Ltd and Vision Care Foundation (VCF) is supporting the implementation of a ‪Participatory‬ 3D Modelling (‪P3DM‬) exercise in Northern ‪Uganda‬, within the ‪‎Karamoja‬ Cluster.

Karamoja Village, Northern Uganda (CC credit: Swiss Frog, Flickr)
The process takes place in the framework of the larger CTA-funded “Building resilient Pastoral Communities through Cross-border Livestock Value Chains in the IGAD region” project.

The P3DM exercise, and specifically its training component benefits also from support provided by the UNDP Equator Initiative which has sponsored the participation of the director of the Oromia Pastoralist Association (OPA).

Other organisations attending the process for capacity building purposes include Communication without borders (CwB), SIKOM PeaceNet Development and delegates from the Endorois and Kayas peoples from Kenya.

Those interested in the process should follow the @PGISatCTA Twitter account for daily updates.

All tweets related to the event will include the hashtag ‪#‎p3dmUG‬ 

More importantly CTA commissioned the production of a documentary related to the process which will be available on

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Mapping local knowledge to drive sustainable natural resource management, influence policy-making and promote climate change adaptation

A new publication from the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA) illustrates how local communities in a range of developing countries have developed a bird’s-eye perspective of their land and water resources through Participatory 3D modelling (P3DM). This innovative technique is proving a valuable tool for often voiceless groups, helping them to manage and protect their habitats, influence decision-making and take control of their future.

Improving natural resource management, mapping community rights and bolstering climate change adaptation – participatory 3D modelling can help to do all this and more. Developed in the early 1990s in Southeast Asia, the technique offers communities a tangible way of visualising tacit knowledge, producing stand-alone relief models that depict natural surroundings, but also cultural information, helping groups to assert their rights and protect their traditional knowledge from outside exploitation.

CTA has been in the forefront of P3DM development in African, Caribbean and Pacific countries, launching it in Fiji, Gabon, Kenya and Trinidad and Tobago, and helping to foster South-South cooperation to spread the practice further afield. The Power of Maps: Bringing the Third Dimension to the Negotiation Table documents some of the achievements obtained so far. All twelve of the case studies presented show how the process of building 3D maps has led to positive changes.

“Traditional knowledge is gaining recognition at the international level, but at the local level, government officials and technocrats tend to dismiss it as anecdotal and scientifically unproven,” said CTA P3DM expert and Senior Programme Coordinator ICT Giacomo Rambaldi. “The process documented in this book enables knowledge holders to visualise and georeference their traditional knowledge and to engage outsiders in a peer-to-peer dialogue.

Building a P3DM model generally involves the entire community, with the elders supplying their traditional knowledge and children taking charge of the actual construction, using cardboard, paints, pushpins and yarn. An important part of the exercise is the way it brings generations together, giving value to the contributions of each and making people feel a sense of pride – in their surroundings and heritage and in the map itself.

On the Pacific island of Ovalau, a P3DM initiative led farmers and fishers to adopt more sustainable land use and fisheries practices, with significant increases in production as a result. Impacts included a doubling of fish stocks, a sizeable increase in crop output and a rise in the number of tourists visiting the island. In Madagascar, the creation of a 3D map drew an initially sceptical community into a watershed planning process, with people quickly seeing the benefits in terms of improved resource management and income generation.

Members of a pygmy community displaced to make way for a protected area in the Democratic Republic of Congo used the web of knowledge displayed on their 3D map to regain access to traditional lands and claim a role in managing them. Meanwhile, in Kenya, a three-dimensional mapping exercise helped the Ogiek tribe to document its ancestral land rights and knowledge systems, with far-reaching repercussions – including shaping government policy on indigenous peoples.

Climate change poses a special threat to vulnerable small island states, and on the Caribbean island of Tobago, P3DM has been used to guide community driven disaster risk reduction strategies. In another three-dimensional mapping exercise in the region, the experience of building a climate risk map of Grenada has produced the added spin-off of strengthening the capacity and professional networks of local organisations. One unexpected outcome has been the signing of an international partnership to fund the replanting of mangroves, as part of an ecosystem management strategy to protect the island from persistent hurricanes that are endangering lives and livelihoods.

Further information:

Watch The enabling power of participatory 3D mapping among the Saramaccan Peoples of Suriname (part 1 & 2):
Visit CTA’s PGIS website
Read about the life-changing effect of P3DM
Known locations of P3DM exercises in Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific
Collection of case studies:

P3DM on social media:

Order or download the publication (at no cost - eligibility criteria apply):

English version