Saturday, November 07, 2009
Friday, November 06, 2009
Dave De Vera elaborates on Participatory GIS practice in the Philippines
Dave De Vera is the Executive Director of the Philippine Association For Intercultural Development (PAFID). In his interview Dave elaborates on the use of Participatory GIS practice in the Philippines to support indigenous communities in filing ancestral land claims. He elaborates on the mapping methods used, explains why P3DM is the most effective, and arguments on the need for local ownership of the process, competency of the technology intermediary, quality work, and constructive relationships with Government. Dave further lists cases of PAFID / Government partnerships and analyses the pillars of process legitimization.
Indigenous Peoples in Africa prepare for Copenhagen - REDD and human rights
Delegates emphasised that indigenous peoples are important stakeholders in climate stabilisation in Africa. Indigenous leaders must educate their communities as to the causes and engage with national governments about equitable and sustainable responses. Delegates reported back on mitigation / REDD (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation) workshops that were held this year in Cape Town, Kampala, Nanyuki (Kenya) and Libreville, Gabon. The primary issues were to promote a fair and community-focused approach to REDD plus financing for forest conservation in Africa.
Government forestry officials from Uganda and Kenya gave presentations on how their governments are contracting with local communities to conserve tropical forests, and introduce new forms of carbon financing.
Jeniffer Koinante, Deputy Chairperson of IPACC gave a presentation on how the forest-based indigenous peoples of Kenya are using Participatory 3-Dimensional Models (P3DM) to help them review traditional adaptation customs, knowledge and practices, which could be harnessed to strengthen resilience of ecosystems and communities in the face of climate change.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
The UNESCO World Report on Cultural Diversity makes reference to P3DM done by Ogiek Peoples
The use of participatory three-dimensional modelling (P3DM) by the Ogiek Peoples in Kenya is cited in section 2.4 as an example of local Empowerment (see page 52 of the report).
Specifically the report makes reference to the article published by Rambaldi et al. on Information Development in 2007: Through the eyes of hunters-gatherers: Participatory 3D modelling among the Ogiek indigenous peoples in Kenya.
It is worth noting that the power of participatory mapping coupled with Web 2.0 commnunication tools (ppgis list, blog, YouTube, etc) coupled with actions undertaken by concerned stakeholders, have raised the concerns faced by a minority group like the Ogiek at the forefront of public opinion.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Dr. Robert Chambers elaborates on Participatory GIS (PGIS) practice
Dr. Robert Chambers from the Institute of Development Studies (IDS), UK, reflects on the intersection of participatory development and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and on the resulting good and bad practices. In the interview Dr. Chambers calls on practitioners and development agencies to ensure that good practice is put in place to avoid the repetition of the misuse of PRA (i.e. Participatory Rural Appraisal) done in the 80's and 90's.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
The future of environmental law mapping
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Pister la Vie Sauvage dans l'Age de la Cybernétique
Le CTA a fait paraître dernièrement une vidéo éducative sur la technologie CyberTracker. La vidéo est un élément d’un paquet pédagogique, destiné à promouvoir les bonnes pratiques en matière de production, de gestion, d’analyse et de communication de l’information géospatiale. D’une durée de 8 minutes, la vidéo est disponible en anglais, français, espagnol et met l’accent sur de nombreux domaines dans lesquels cette technologie peut être utilisée à des fins de développement et de conservation de l’environnement.
CyberTracker est un logiciel en libre accès (open source) mis au point en Afrique du Sud par l’ONG CyberTracker Conservation avec, à l’origine, le soutien financier de la Commission Européenne. Il peut être installé sur tout appareil portable équipé d’un GPS – un Assistant numérique personnel (PDA) ou un Smartphone, par exemple – et permet de recueillir des données géoréférencées avec des annotations numériques détaillées. C’est un moyen extrêmement efficace de stocker de grandes quantités d’observations géocodées faites sur le terrain, à une vitesse et avec un niveau de précision et de détail inédits. CyberTracker permet aux utilisateurs de personnaliser l’interface pour mieux l’adapter à leurs besoins de collecte de données. Les écrans sont configurés de manière à pouvoir combiner du texte et des icônes, pour garantir ainsi une efficacité et une personnalisation optimales. L’interface icônes de l’application CyberTracker a été initialement conçue pour les pisteurs qui ne pouvaient ni lire ni écrire. Aujourd’hui, tous les utilisateurs – y compris scientifiques et écologistes – mettent à profit cette interface icônes parce qu’elle permet de saisir les données beaucoup plus rapidement.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Educational Video ob CyberTracker - Tracking in the Cyber Age
The CTA recently released an educational video on CyberTracker technology. The video has been produced in the context of the development of a training kit aimed at supporting the spread of good practice in generating, managing, analysing and communicating spatial information. This 8-min video on CyberTracker covers a number of uses to which geospatial information technology (GIT) can be put to work in the contexts of development and conservation.
CyberTracker is an open-source software developed in South Africa by the Cybertracker Conservation with financial support initially provided of by the European Commission. It can be installed on a GPS-enabled handheld device such as a Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) or a Smartphone to collect geo-referenced data with detailed digital notation. It is a highly efficient way to gather large quantities of geo-coded field observations at a speed and level of detail not possible before. CyberTracker allows users to customise the interface to meet data collection needs. Screen designs can combine text and icons to optimise efficiency and customisation. The CyberTracker icon interface was originally designed for trackers who could not read or write. Nowadays all users including scientists and conservationists benefit from the icon-based interface because it enables significantly faster data entry.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Participatory 3D Modelling: a Review ...
Participatory 3D Modelling (P3DM) is a community-based mapping method which integrates local spatial knowledge with data on elevation of the land and depth of the sea to produce stand-alone, scaled and geo-referenced relief models. Essentially based on local spatial knowledge, land use and cover, and other features are depicted by informants on the model by the use of pushpins (points), yarns (lines) and paints (polygons). On completion, a scaled and geo-referenced grid is applied to facilitate data extraction or importation. Data depicted on the model are extracted, digitised and plotted. On completion of the exercise the model remains with the community. More information on the method are available at
Sunday, October 04, 2009
Une modélisation participative en 3D du paysage montagneux historique de Wechecha (Éthiopie)
Une fois achevée, la maquette a été inaugurée par un représentant du Président de la République fédérale démocratique d'Éthiopie. Cette cérémonie a réuni plus de 500 personnes, parmi lesquelles des membres du Conseil des représentants des peuples, des membres du gouvernement et des représentants d'organisations internationales, d'organisations de la société civile et de collectivités locales.
Construite à l'échelle 1:10 000, la maquette reproduit une zone de 24 km sur 28 km. Plus de 40 élèves et membres d'associations de jeunes ont participé à la construction de la maquette initiale, que les habitants de la région, notamment les anciens, ont été invités à enrichir de leurs connaissances géographiques. Au cours du processus, des informations sur le massif ont été échangées entre les différentes générations, mais aussi avec les collectivités locales et d'autres parties prenantes, ouvrant la porte à des débats de fond sur la gestion et la protection durables de la culture et de l'environnement à l'échelle locale. Les gouverneurs de la région se sont montrés extrêmement favorables à ce projet, jouant un rôle actif au sein du processus, aux côté des organisateurs.
Ce projet avait pour ambition de collecter des données sur le savoir écologique traditionnel des communautés de la région pour le valoriser. Ainsi, les autorités externes lui accorderont davantage d'importance lors de la gestion collaborative des ressources naturelles. L'objectif secondaire du projet consistait à améliorer la transmission de ce savoir aux nouvelles générations.
Maintenant que la maquette est achevée, elle servira d'environnement de référence où habitants, membres du gouvernement et différentes parties prenantes pourront débattre de programmes de gestion et de réhabilitation.
Kalkidan, 15 ans, est une élève de l'école d'Holeta. Elle est consciente que sa génération a appris énormément des anciens de la région grâce à cette maquette. Elle s'est exprimée ainsi lors de l'inauguration : « Nous, les jeunes, ne pensions pas que les anciens en savaient autant. Mais après avoir participé à la construction de cette maquette participative en 3D, nous sommes désormais convaincus que nos anciens sont une mine d'informations sur l'environnement ». Elle a rappelé qu'au cours de ce projet, ce sont les anciens qui ont tenu le premier rôle.
Lors de la cérémonie, des anciens ont montré l'emplacement de leur village d'origine sur la maquette, avec des anecdotes. Ils n'ont pas pu cacher leur désarroi envers la dégradation de la région, et ont demandé aux organismes concernés de tenter de résoudre ce problème. Les membres du gouvernement ont également approuvé la maquette et rappelé qu'elle ne se résumait pas à un simple objet de décoration.
Le Dr Tewoldebithan G/Egziabher, directeur de l'autorité fédérale de protection de l'environnement et président de l'assemblée générale de MELCA, a remis la maquette à la ville d'Holeta et à l'administration du woreda de Walmara au nom de son association. Il a demandé à l'administration d'utiliser la maquette comme référence topographique.
Million Belay, directeur du MELCA, a annoncé de nouvelles initiatives. Un processus de planification à grande échelle sera lancé pour réhabiliter le paysage montagneux de Wechecha, en s'appuyant principalement sur la maquette. Les écoles situées au pied des montagnes intégreront la maquette à leur programme, à l'instar de la région de Nessuit (Kenya), qui possède une maquette comparable depuis 2006. Les enseignants l'utiliseront pour aider les élèves à connaître leur environnement, la géographie et les paysages culturels. Par ailleurs, Million Belay a annoncé que la maquette en 3D servirait à des fins scientifiques, pour étudier d'une part la relation entre habitants et environnement, et d'autre part les conséquences de la dégradation des terres sur les moyens de subsistance des communautés locales.
Auteur : Giacomo Rambaldi
Participatory 3D Model of the historical Wechecha mountain complex, Ethiopia
Once completed the model has been inaugurated by a Representative of the President of Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia. Over 500 people participated in the ceremony including members of the House of People Representative Councils, governmental officials and representatives from international organizations, CSO and local communities.
The 1:10.000 scale model covers an area of 24 km by 28 km. Over 40 students and representatives from youth groups constructed the blank model. Residents of the area, especially elders, were invited to populate the map with their spatial knowledge. In the process information about the mountain area has been shared across generations and between local communities and other stakeholders, opening the door for deeper discussions on the sustainable management and safeguarding of both local culture and environment. The local Governors were very supportive. They played an active role in the process together with the organisers.
The objective of the exercise was to document the Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) of resident communities, and add value and authority to it in order to increase the value external authorities would attach to it when it comes to collaborative natural resource management. A second objective of the exercise was to enhance the transfer of TEK the younger generations.
Now thet the model is completed it will as a reference environment where local people, government officials and other stakeholders can discuss management and rehabilitation plans.
Kalkidan is a 15-year old student at Holeta Primary School. She witnessed how this model created an opportunity for her and her friends to learn a lot from the local elders. At the inauguration she stated the following: “We youngsters didn’t think that elders know, but now, after participating in the construction of this Participatory 3 Dimensional Model, we are convinced that our elders have a deep knowledge about their environment” She recalled that the elders were the main actors on the scene.
At the ceremony Elders locaed their places of origin on the model and talked about them. They couldn’t hide their feeling that their area is becoming degraded and pleaded for concerned bodies to address this problem. The government representatives also endorsed the model and reiterated that it should not be just for looking at and admiring.”
Dr. Tewoldebithan G/Egziabher, Director of the Federal Environmental Protection Authority and Chairman of MELCA’s General Assembly delivered the model to Holeta Town and Wolmera Woreda Administrations on behalf of MELCA. He told to the Administrations to use the model as a reference for taking measures.
According to Million Belay the Director of MELCA related initiatives will follow: There will be an intensive planning process aiming at rehabilitating the Wechecha Mountain complex and we will ensure that the model will be central to it. Schools located at the foothills of the mountain will make use of the model in their curriculum like it is currently happening in Nessuit Kenya, where a similar model has been constructed in 2006. Teachers use it to facilitate pupils learning about their environment, geography and cultural landscapes. In addition, Mr. Belay stated that the 3D model will be used for scientific research, on the relationship between people and the environment, and to study the impacts of land degradation on the livelihood of local communities.
Thursday, October 01, 2009
Ogiek Appeal to the Kenya Government Notice to vacate Mau Forest Complex and other water towers
Joseph K. Sang, representative from the Ogiek community in Nessuit Kenya, launches an appeal to the Government of Kenya following an eviction notice published on all mayor newspapers on August 25, 2009 and concerning the vacation of the Mau Forest Complex by all illegal occupants.
Francis Kakwetin Lesingo reports on the use of a 1:10,000 scale 3D model in Nessuit Kenya
Mr. Francis Kakwetin Lesingo - a representative from the Ogieks living in the Mau complex (Nakuru,Kenya) - reports back on the use of a 1:10,000 scale georeferenced physical 3d model manufactured by 26 ogiek clans in 2006 and 2007 in Nessuit Kenya. The initiative has benefitted from technical and financial assistance provided by CTA, Ermis Africa, the Indigenous Peoples of Africa Coordinating Committee (IPACC) and the Gaia Foundation UK.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
The Touch Table for participatory land use planning
This video shows how the Touch Table can be used to support land use planning with multiple stakeholders with multiple interests
Friday, September 18, 2009
Web-Based GIS and the Future of Participatory GIS Applications within Local and Indigenous Communities
Applications of GIS in Community Forestry: Linking Geographic Information Technology to Community Participation
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
How to create a "My Map" in Google Maps
How to create personalized, annotated, customized maps using Google Maps.
Here is an example: P3DM Where?
Head teacher Julius Sangogo reports on the usefullness of a Participatory 3D Model (P3DM) in Nessuit, Kenya
Head teacher Julius Sangogo reports on the usefullness of a Participatory 3D Model in Nessuit, Kenya from CTA on Vimeo.
Three years after the completion of a Participatory 3D model in Nessuit Kenya, head teacher Julius Sangogo recalls the uses of the model by local, national and international agencies and more importantly by the pupils of the local primary school.
The Mystery of Capital among the Indigenous Peoples of the Amazon
Part 1 The Mystery of Capital among the Indigenous Peoples of the Amazon from ILD on Vimeo.
A film directed by James Becket
Conceived of and written by Hernando de Soto
Produced by Bernardo Roca Rey and Hernando de Soto
Research Director Ana Lucía Camaiora
A Becket Films LLC and Institute for Liberty and Democracy Production
Part 2 The Mystery of Capital among the Indigenous Peoples of the Amazon from ILD on Vimeo.
A film directed by James Becket Conceived of and written by Hernando de Soto Produced by Bernardo Roca Rey and Hernando de Soto Research Director Ana Lucía Camaiora A Becket Films LLC and Institute for Liberty and Democracy Production
Part 3 The Mystery of Capital among the Indigenous Peoples of the Amazon from ILD on Vimeo.
A film directed by James Becket Conceived of and written by Hernando de Soto Produced by Bernardo Roca Rey and Hernando de Soto Research Director Ana Lucía Camaiora A Becket Films LLC and Institute for Liberty and Democracy Production