Saturday, June 04, 2016

Counting coconut trees with drones in Western Samoa

On the Pacific islands of Samoa drone technology is used in a coconut tree survey to forecast more accurately yield and production of virgin coconut oil. 

In 2015 the Samoan agricultural non-governmental organisation Women in Business Development Incorporated (WIBDI) realised that it needed a new way to collect and organise comprehensive data from associated farms. The organisation helps local rural families actively engage through fair-trade in the niche market of organic products. They were wondering what would make it easier to carry out organic standards inspections and conduct counts of certain crops, in particular coconut trees.

Coconut is Samoa’s most important renewable resource and export product. The country exports copra coconut oil, virgin coconut oil, coconut cream, desiccated coconut, coconut fibre (coir) and shell products mainly to Australia and New Zealand. WIBDI is the largest exporter of virgin coconut oil in Samoa and its main buyer is The Body Shop, which is based in the United Kingdom.

In search for answers to the data collection problem, WIBDI turned to Samoan tech-services company Skyeye for help. Skyeye’s experts explained to them that the technology of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) – also known as drones – was the perfect solution. It is cheaper than a manned aircraft and capable of collecting higher-resolution imagery than those that are available from a satellite.

Open source server

For its mapping work, Skyeye uses a fixed wing professional mapping UAV, which is capable of covering large areas in a single autonomous flight. ’The drone allows us to capture images of farms that are not easily accessible and it gives us the flexibility to fly whenever we want as long as the weather permits it. Being able to capture up-to-date imagery has been a massive benefit to this digitisation project,’ says Skyeye’s Geographic Information System (GIS) technician Ephraim Reynolds.

After technicians download images from the UAV, they process them into orthomosaics: stitched-together images that have been digitally corrected for distortion, so that they can be overlaid onto a map. They then open these image layers in a free, open source GIS computer programme, known as QGIS. In QGIS, they are able to digitise key farm features – and the high resolution drone imagery clearly shows individual coconut trees, allowing them to conduct a visual count of total tree numbers.

Skyeye uses a GIS feature known as a Web Feature Service (WFS), which allows them to grant users access to its geoserver – an open source server made for sharing geospatial data. With WFS, users are able to download individual layers of information, such as the layer containing information about farm’s coconut trees. With these geospatial data farmers then can make their own changes and updates to the digital map. ‘In this way, Skyeye is able to divide the labour and make the process of analysing the drone imagery faster and more centralised within one system,’ says Reynolds.

Locating landing areas for drones

To further speed up the process of mapping, Skyeye shows farmers images of their farms from the air so they can draw their boundaries. By estimating the age of the palm trees on each of the farmer’s property, WIBDI is able to forecast the yield and production of virgin coconut oil. These estimates can in turn be used to assess the feasibility of future business ventures, and to make more accurate estimates of expected annual profits.

While the drones have been a boon to WIBDI, they have not been entirely trouble-free. According to Reynolds, Skyeye’s biggest challenge has been locating suitable landing areas, as the drone requires an open area free of vegetation to safely land after completing a mission – and such an area can be hard to find on a tropical island. ‘Google’s satellite imagery in Samoa is outdated. Sometimes, we found that the best solution is to ask the locals in the village where we can find suitably clearing,’ he describes.

Maintaining a strong radio link to the drone was another hassle due to tall coconut trees, which can obstruct the signal and result in the drone not capturing images. ’For this, we shortened the range of the drone’s flight path, or found higher ground to launch it from,’ explains Reynolds.

By the end of January 2016, Skyeye had mapped 10,480 hectares by drone and counted 138,180 coconut trees. The drone survey of all 558 farms in WIBDI’s network should be completed by April 2016. In the future, Skyeye Samoa hopes to extend the tree-counting process it has developed for WIBDI.  ’As Samoa and the Pacific continue to realise how drone technology can be used in various industries, especially in agriculture, the region will become better able to reach large markets and keep up with modern advancements,’ says Reynolds.

About the authors:

Ephraim Reynolds ( is GIS technician at Skyeye. Faumuina Felolini Tafuna’i ( is media specialist at Women in Business Development Inc. WIBDI.


Republished with permission from ICT Update, issue 82, April 2016

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Friday, May 27, 2016

Djiru Warrangburra Peoples share their traditional knowledge across generations: a P3DM experience in Australia

Attracting approximately 2 million tourists each year, the Wet Tropics region is home to more than 18 distinct Rainforest Aboriginal tribal groups for whom the region holds deep cultural and spiritual significance. Many of these Aboriginal groups deal with multiple threats to their traditional landscapes, due to pressures such as tourism, agriculture and population growth. As some of the most disadvantaged people in Australia, Aboriginal people often do not have the resources to address these threats comprehensively and regularly experience the loss of vital cultural heritage and access to their traditional landscapes as a result of these pressures.

The Djiru Warrangburra people are one of the culturally rich Rainforest Aboriginal tribal groups of the region. They live in and around the rainforests and coastal flats of the Mission Beach area, about 2 hours south of the regional centre of Cairns.

Djiru traditional lands are also home to some of the last remaining numbers of the southern cassowaryCasuarius casuarius johnsonii - a species endemic to the Wet Tropics World Heritage Area and listed as endangered. 

In April 2016 Djiru people began implementing a participatory 3-dimensional model (P3DM) covering close to 60,000 hectares (576 sq km) of land and sea, and including areas such as World Heritage, National Parks, freehold tenure.

At a scale of 1:10,000 the Djiru P3DM exercise is intended to encourage intragenerational sharing of knowledge vital to the longevity of Djiru culture ad the identity of Djiru people. Still in progress the P3DM is expected to be complete by June 2016. The project is being facilitated by the Wet Tropics Management Authority and is funded under the Queensland Gambling Community Benefit Fund.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Les drones du Sri Lanka, de véritables pionniers

L'Institut international de gestion de l'eau (IIGE) au Sri Lanka a lancé des expérimentations avec des drones dans le but de fournir des informations utiles à de nombreuses études telles que la surveillance des récoltes, la réduction des effets des catastrophes naturelles, et la prévention des maladies. 

Ces derniers mois, l'Institut international de gestion de l'eau de Colombo a utilisé des drones, appelés dans le monde anglophone « véhicules aériens sans pilote (UAV) », afin de surveiller les récoltes de riz dans la région aride d'Anuradhapura et ses alentours. Des capteurs de couleur RVB (rouge, vert, bleu) et des capteurs proche infrarouge ont par exemple été utilisés pour photographier les champs de riz. Ces technologies ont le potentiel d'aider les agriculteurs à repérer les champs sous pression et à déterminer les potentielles zones à faible altitude pour le partage des ressources.

Le drone de l'institut est également régulièrement utilisé en partenariat avec les autorités locales. En décembre 2015, le département des relevés topographiques du Sri Lanka a mis en place un plan de réduction des effets des catastrophes pour Badulla, la capitale de la province d'Uva.

Si des techniques conventionnelles avaient été utilisées, le département aurait mis plus d'un an à effectuer le relevé topographique de la ville. En revanche, le drone de l'IIGE a réussi à cartographier la totalité de la zone de 10 km2 en à peine trois jours, avec quatorze vols, 4 600 images haute résolution obtenues, et une résolution spatiale moyenne de quatre centimètres.

Prévention des maladies

L'imagerie par drone peut également servir à mieux comprendre la propagation des maladies, ce qui aide les experts du domaine de la santé à créer des cartes de grande qualité. La maladie rénale chronique d'étiologie incertaine (CKDu) est l'une des maladies non contagieuses les plus graves touchant les Sri Lankais aujourd'hui, et elle reste mal comprise. Diagnostiquée pour la première fois au milieu des années 1990, cette maladie est désormais présente dans six des neuf provinces du pays. Elle est essentiellement confinée dans la région sèche et ne touche que les agriculteurs cultivant le riz. La CKDu aurait jusqu'à présent entraîné la mort d'environ 25 000 personnes, et on estime que 8 000 personnes reçoivent actuellement un traitement.

Dans la région de Mahiyangana, la CKDu se serait propagée en contaminant l'eau potable issue des puits. Le drone a été utilisé pour rassembler des données géoréférencées sur les lieux d'habitation des ménages et l'emplacement des puits. Les données collectées peuvent en outre servir à la réalisation d'un modèle numérique d'élévation afin de localiser les zones élevées et basses de deux villages.

Les données ont été utilisées dans le cadre d'un projet pilote sur la prévention de la CKDu dans la région. Selon Ranjith Mulleriyawa, le responsable du projet, ces photos et cartes aériennes ont fourni aux chercheurs une meilleure vue globale de la région, et les ont aidés à comprendre de quelle manière les puits contaminés sont liés à la propagation de la CKDu dans les zones concernées.

Haute précision

L'IIGE prévoit également d'utiliser le drone au Népal afin de répertorier les sources d'eau fraîche à l'aide d'un petit capteur thermique. Les bassins hydrographiques ciblés au Népal sont dissimulés derrière une végétation dense, ce qui rend difficile l'utilisation de capteurs optiques standards afin d'identifier et de localiser les sources. Le capteur thermique monté sur le drone peut trouver les sources à travers la végétation car leur température est inférieure à celle de la terre qui les entoure.

Si l'utilisation des drones dans la recherche ainsi que d'autres applications pratiques de cette technologie sont encore balbutiantes, les premiers essais de l'IIGE ont déjà démontré leur efficacité. En effet, les drones peuvent servir à effectuer des relevés topographiques des régions étendues et difficiles d'accès en un temps relativement limité, et avec une grande précision. Pour les experts et décideurs politiques, ces images aériennes peuvent constituer des sources d'informations plus précises et davantage actualisées que celles dont ils disposaient auparavant. Les images de grande qualité des drones peuvent aider les agriculteurs à repérer de manière précoce les mauvaises récoltes, et leur donner assez de temps pour réagir.

Selon l'IIGE, les relevés topographiques effectués par des drones seront particulièrement utiles dans les recherches qui nécessitent une surveillance très précise et répétée. Il peut s'agir par exemple de vérifier les changements dans les systèmes de culture, de modifier le statut de ressources hydriques importantes et de documenter l'étendue des catastrophes environnementales. Il ne fait aucun doute que les agriculteurs ne tarderont pas à utiliser des drones pour surveiller leurs cultures, tout comme ils utilisent aujourd'hui des machines plus traditionnelles pour semer et récolter.

À propos de l'auteur :

Salman Siddiqui ( est responsable senior de la division des systèmes d’information géographique, des capteurs à distance, et de la gestion des données auprès de l'Institut international de gestion de l'eau au Sri Lanka.


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Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Assurer plus efficacement les exploitants agricoles indiens en utilisant les drones

Le paiement de l'assurance-récolte pourrait être accéléré grâce à la technologie des drones en vue de prévenir les difficultés financières, et permettre à davantage de petits exploitants agricoles de s'assurer. 

Chaque année, des milliers d'exploitants agricoles indiens se suicident. Ceci s’explique par des conditions météorologiques difficiles, mais aussi parce que leur assurance-récolte, principale protection contre les aléas climatiques, leur a fait faux bond.

Credit: GaryCycles (CC license)
Moins de 23 pour
cent des exploitants indiens sont couverts par une assurance-récolte. Et même ceux qui sont assurés connaissent des difficultés financières générées par des retards de paiement, lesquels sont souvent liés à la lenteur du processus d'évaluation des dommages. Il faut donc beaucoup de temps avant que les assureurs reçoivent des données actualisées et exactes.

Les exploitants indiens doivent recevoir plus rapidement les remboursements au titre des assurances. Le gouvernement central indien a donc lancé un projet pilote d'assurance-récolte axé sur la technologie et nommé « Kisan ». Il fait partie du nouveau régime d'assurance-récolte gouvernemental, Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojna, que l'on pourrait traduire par « régime d'assurance-récolte du Premier Ministre ».

Système d'assurance-récolte

Le projet pilote Kisan associe des données agricoles collectées par des drones, appelés dans le monde anglophone « véhicules aériens sans pilote (UAV) », des images satellite haute définition, et des données collectées de manière participative à partir des smartphones des exploitants. Ces données peuvent ensuite être combinées avec des méthodes d'évaluation traditionnelles, permettant aux fonctionnaires d'accélérer l'évaluation des dommages touchant les récoltes et d'estimer les rendements avec plus de précision.

Même si l'utilisation des drones par Kisan est à un stade expérimental, les données collectées par les appareils peuvent être utilisées par les analystes agricoles gouvernementaux, les exploitants agricoles et les compagnies d'assurance, en vue d'améliorer le système d'assurance-récolte sous différents aspects. L'imagerie aérienne permet d’identifier les terres cultivées et celles qui ne le sont pas, et d’évaluer l'ampleur des dommages causés par des catastrophes naturelles. Les analystes experts peuvent aussi utiliser les données collectées par les drones sur la topographie et l'altitude afin d’assurer un suivi de l'érosion des sols et concevoir plus efficacement des systèmes de drainage et d'irrigation.

Les analystes agricoles pourraient employer les données de l'indice de végétation par différence normalisée (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, NDVI) collectées pour mener des enquêtes plus rapides et plus précises quant à la santé des cultures, pour un traitement plus rapide des sinistres. Ils peuvent utiliser les mêmes données pour développer des modèles statistiques de gestion des risques, sur la base des rendements historiques, des nuisibles et des données météorologiques. Les données des drones pourraient également être utiles pour la détection et la prédiction précoce des infestations parasitaires, des données que les compagnies d'assurance pourraient partager avec les exploitants agricoles. Enfin, les données pourraient permettre de détecter les fraudes à l'assurance, empêchant ainsi les fraudeurs d'assurer la même parcelle plusieurs fois ou de réclamer des dommages inexistants.

Interdiction des drones

Les drones ne fonctionneront pas seuls. À l'avenir, les assureurs agricoles recourront certainement à des combinaisons différentes de données provenant de satellites et de drones, éventuellement associées à des méthodes d'analyse traditionnelles afin de générer une image réellement complète des terres agricoles indiennes. Avec ces nouvelles méthodes, les assureurs pourraient proposer un produit de meilleure qualité et plus économique, accessible à davantage d'exploitants agricoles.

Bien que la technologie des drones semble très prometteuse pour les assureurs agricoles indiens, il existe de nombreux défis réglementaires et logistiques à relever. Depuis octobre 2014, les drones sont interdits aux citoyens en Inde. Cette interdiction restera certainement d'actualité tant que la Direction générale de l'Aviation civile (DGCA) indienne n'élaborera pas un système de réglementation des drones commerciaux.

Alors que l'interdiction des drones civils est toujours effective, certaines organisations gouvernementales commencent à en acquérir. Début 2016, le Ministère de l'Agriculture a annoncé qu'il permettrait au Mahalanobis National Crop Forecast Centre (MNCFC) d'acheter des drones pour évaluer les dommages subis par des cultures. À terme, le Ministère de l'Agriculture prévoit d'acheter des drones pour chacun des états indiens afin d'appuyer le programme d'assurance-récolte.

L'immense secteur agricole indien présente un autre obstacle à l'adoption généralisée de l'imagerie par les drones pour l'assurance-récolte. Même s’ils permettent d'accélérer la collecte de données et de la rendre plus économique, de nouveaux modèles commerciaux seront nécessaires pour que l'assurance-récolte soit efficace à une échelle aussi importante.

Il ne sera par conséquent pas toujours facile d'introduire l'imagerie par les drones dans le système d'assurance-récolte indien. Si le projet Kisan est une réussite, davantage d'exploitants agricoles indiens pourront bénéficier de la sérénité qu'apporte une bonne assurance-récolte. Et ils auront beaucoup moins à craindre des mauvaises conditions météorologiques.

À propos de l'auteur :

Ruchit G Garg ( est le fondateur et le directeur général de Harvesting, une entreprise dont le siège se trouve dans la Silicon Valley, aux États-Unis, et qui propose aux exploitants agricoles des informations fondées sur les données.


ICT Update #82

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Monday, May 23, 2016

Drone technology helps insure Indian farmers more effectively

Crop insurance payouts could be sped up with the help of drone technology, preventing financial hardship and potentially helping more small-scale farmers get insured. 

Thousands of farmers are killing themselves in India every year. They make this ultimate sacrifice not just because the weather gods have been brutal. It is also because they have been failed by crop insurance, their primary protection from climatic flippancy.

Credit: GaryCycles (CC license)
Less than 23% of India’s millions farmers are covered by crop insurance, and even those who are insured regularly suffer financial hardship from delayed payouts. These payments are often deferred by the slow damage assessment process as land record office personnel travel from village to village to conduct inspections. This means that it takes insurers a long time to receive timely, accurate data.

Indian farmers need to get their insurance payments faster. Therefore, India's central government has launched a technology-focused crop insurance pilot project called “Kisan” to address the problem. It is part of Indian central government’s new crop damage insurance scheme that is called “Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojna”, which translates as “Prime-Minister's crop insurance scheme”.

Crop insurance system

The Kisan pilot programme combines agricultural data collected by unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) – also known as drones – with high-definition satellite imagery, as well as crowd sourced data collected from farmers’ smartphones. These data sources can then be used with more traditional estimation methods, potentially helping officials speed up crop damage assessments and more accurately estimate yield.

While Kisan’s use of UAVs is still experimental, the data the devices collect can be used by government agricultural analysts, farmers, and insurance companies to improve the crop insurance system in a number of ways. Aerial imagery can be used to quickly classify surveyed areas into cultivated and non-cultivated land, and to assess how much damage has been caused by natural disasters. Expert analysts can also use UAV-gathered topography and elevation data to monitor soil erosion and to more accurately design water drainage and irrigation systems.

Agricultural analysts could use Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) data collected by UAVs to conduct faster and more accurate crop health surveys – allowing insurers to process claims faster. They can use the same data to construct statistical models for risk management, based on historical yield, pest, and weather data. Drone data might also be useful for the early detection and prediction of pest infestations, data that insurance companies could share with farmers. Finally, drone data can be used to detect insurance fraud, preventing fraudsters from insuring the same piece of land multiple times, or claiming damage where there is none.

A ban on drones

UAVs won't operate alone. In the future, agricultural insurers will likely rely on different combinations of satellite and UAV data, which can be combined with traditional analysis methods to create a truly comprehensive view of India's farmland. By using these new data-collection methods, insurers would be able to deliver a better, cheaper product. And this would make it possible for more farmers to get insured.

Although UAV technology shows considerable promise for agricultural insurers in India, there are plenty of regulatory and logistical challenges to overcome. Since October 2014, civilians have been banned from using drones in India – a restriction that will likely last until the Indian Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) comes up with a regulatory system for commercial drones.

While the civilian UAV ban is still in place, some government organisations are beginning to acquire the devices. In January 2016, the Agriculture Ministry announced that it would allow the Mahalanobis National Crop Forecast Centre (MNCFC) to purchase UAVs for assessing crop damage. Eventually, the Agriculture Ministry anticipates buying UAVs for each Indian state to support the crop insurance programme.

India's massive agricultural sector presents another obstacle to the widespread adoption of UAV imagery in crop insurance. While UAVs will help make data collection faster and cheaper, innovative business models will be required to make crop insurance work on such a massive scale.

Therefore, introducing UAV imagery into Indian crop insurance won't always be easy. If the Kisan programme is successful, more Indian farmers will be able to enjoy the peace of mind that good crop insurance brings. And they will have far less to fear from bad weather.

About the Author:

Ruchit G Garg ( is founder and CEO of Harvesting, a Silicon Valley, US based company that provides data driven insights to farmers.


Republished with consent from ICT Update, issue 82, April 2016

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Saturday, May 21, 2016

The network of NGOs known as BIMTT deploys participatory 3D modelling within its operations in Madagascar

Itasy is the smallest region of Madagascar and is characterised by a high agricultural potential. Nonetheless productivity is challenged by poor communication and limited market outlets and lack of land tenure security.

Close to 90% of the population of this region depends on agriculture. Production systems are diverse due to areas characterized by very high population densities (areas predominantly alluvial and volcanic soils) or by low quality soils (Central, West). Out-migration is high.

The regional plan for development highlights the need for investing in agriculture and related rural livelihoods, communication infrastructure and the establishment effective local administrations.

In order to contribute to improving sustainable resource management in selected villages, FAFAFI / SPAnta, both members of BIMTT (a network of rural trainers within the Christian Churches in Madagascar), has developed a programme focused on strengthening farmers, promoting local initiatives and the collaboration with the local authorities. The initiative is is inclusive and centred on practicing Participatory 3D Modelling (P3DM). P3DM is used to involve all local actors in the process from the documenting and geo-locating socio-economic and environmental realities on the 3D map, to plan future development. As a whole the initiative is aimed at supporting farmers, community based organisations and local authorities acquire skills in adopting the 'theory of change', participatory planning, monitoring and evaluation. 3D mapping at village level has proven to engage and excite  participants, increasing their initiative and commitment in engaging in activities which would benefit the entire community.

As of March 2016 a total of three villages have completed their 3D models. These include Antalata Vaovao and Faliarivo villages in Ampefy Commune, and Marosoka village in Analavory Commune.

The 3D models have been used to develop community-based village development plans.

FAFAFI/SPAnta in collaboration with the General Secretary of BIMTT plan to replicate the P3DM process in all villages benefitting from FAFAFI/SPAnta support in the Itasy region.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Mieux comprendre la réglementation en matière de drones

Les autorités exigent que l’on réglemente les droneset que l’on supervise leur usage croissant, et ce pour des raisons de respect de la vie privée, de sûreté et de sécurité. Les opérateurs de drones devront en tenir compte.

Bien que l’utilité des drones, appelés dans le monde anglophone « véhicules aériens sans pilote (UAV) », pour la population civile ne soit plus à démontrer, cette nouvelle technologie éveille la méfiance. Des pilotes britanniques réclament par exemple que des recherches soient menées sur les conséquences éventuelles d’une collision d’un drone avec un avion de ligne, après les 23 accidents évités de justesse en 2015 dans l’espace aérien britannique. Enfin, la police hollandaise mène actuellement des expériences avec des aigles dressés pour capturer les drones indésirables.

Certaines personnes se méfient des drones car elles les associent à la technologie militaire létale. D’autres ont vu les récents bulletins d’information qui montraient l’utilisation irresponsable et indiscrète de drones par des civils. Ces incidents ont suscité l’inquiétude des gouvernements et citoyens du monde entier qui déplorent l’absence de réglementation dans le domaine.

Le débat sur la réglementation des drones agite également les pays en développement. Certains, comme l’Afrique du Sud, ont déjà validé une réglementation relative à l’utilisation par la population civile de cette technologie, tandis que d’autres tels que le Kenya en ont interdit l’usage en l’absence d’autorisation explicite des autorités. Pourtant, force est de constater que de nombreux pays en développement n’ont pris aucune disposition relative à l’utilisation civile de cette technologie.

Pourquoi des règles et normes sont-elles indispensables ?

L’existence de règles harmonisées, et plus particulièrement à destination des opérateurs de drones, est l’un des prérequis fondamentaux pour utiliser des petits drones dans l’espace aérien public. Ces règles doivent porter sur la sûreté et la formation, et faciliter la reconnaissance transfrontalière de la certification des aéronefs et pilotes. Cette réglementation doit de plus être assortie de dispositions appropriées en matière de protection de la vie privée, de protection des données, de responsabilité et d’assurance. La réglementation en matière de drones doit également faire état de normes applicables à l’usage privé comme à l’usage commercial. Elle doit couvrir des questions comme l’identification des types de petits drones et l’élaboration de technologies capables d’empêcher des pirates ou des tiers de prendre le contrôle des engins en vol. Différents éléments peuvent contribuer à réduire les risques auxquels les opérateurs sont exposés : des documents d’orientation clairs et précis, des procédures douanières, une réglementation simplifiée et des formulaires et produits d’information facilement accessibles en ligne.

L’exploitation commerciale de plus en plus fréquente des drones de petite taille demande des ajustements supplémentaires, plus spécifiques, tels que des limitations de responsabilité des tiers, l’introduction de catégories de poids pour les drones inférieurs à 500 kilogrammes, et des adaptations des niveaux de risque associés aux caractéristiques de vol des drones de très petite taille. Certaines des préoccupations qui entourent les drones ne datent pas d’aujourd’hui : la protection des droits fondamentaux de la population civile comme la confidentialité des images et des données étaient déjà une problématique liée à l’utilisation d’aéronefs et d’hélicoptères pilotés.

Les discussions internationales sur la réglementation en matière d’utilisation commerciale des drones ont été officiellement lancées en 2007 avec la création du Groupe d’étude sur les systèmes de véhicules aériens non habités (UASSG), au sein de l’Organisation de l’aviation civile internationale (OACI). Différents États membres et plusieurs organisations de gestion de l’aviation ont été impliqués. En 2011, la circulaire 328 a été publiée, suivie, en 2015, d’un manuel sur les systèmes de véhicules aériens non habités et de propositions d’amendements aux législations nationales relatives à l’aviation civile.

Les efforts de coordination actuels de l’OACI sur la scène internationale se concentrent presque exclusivement sur les gros aéronefs téléguidés utilisés pour des missions transfrontalières, mais pas sur ceux de plus petite taille. Toutefois, une grande partie du matériel mis au point par le groupe d’étude pourra être utilisée pour élaborer des réglementations spécifiques à chaque pays et adaptées aux conditions régionales pour les drones inférieurs à 500 kilogrammes, et avec des opérations en visibilité directe.

L’Agence européenne de la sécurité aérienne (AESA) a été chargée d’élaborer un cadre réglementaire, ainsi que des propositions concernant la réglementation en matière d’utilisation de drones à caractère civil et à faible risque.

Les réglementations en matière de drones dans les pays ACP

Les travaux de recherche menés par le Centre technique de coopération agricole et rurale (CTA) ont récemment passé en revue l’état actuel des réglementations relatives aux drones dans le groupe des pays d’Afrique, Caraïbes et Pacifique (ACP). Ces travaux ont livré plusieurs catégories de réponses distinctes par rapport à la problématique des drones. Pour élaborer leur réglementation, les États membres de l’OACI utilisent par exemple les normes, les pratiques et autre matériel d’orientation recommandés par l’organisation.

L’Afrique du Sud a mis en œuvre et appliqué un ensemble exhaustif de règles contraignantes régissant les drones. Elle figure à présent parmi le groupe restreint des États disposant d’une réglementation déjà en vigueur. D’autres pays, comme le Sénégal et le Kenya, ont banni l’usage à caractère civil des drones ou de tout autre système aéroporté spécifique (comme les caméras). Ces pays ont toutefois apporté des modifications à leur législation nationale relative à l’aviation en l’assortissant des dispositions juridiques liées aux drones. D’autres pays, comme le Tchad et le Gabon, ont laissé des commentaires lors de la mise à jour de leur législation relative à l’aviation, précisant que des normes internationales devaient encore être établies sur des points spécifiques tels que la certification, la délivrance de licences, et les types d’aéronefs. D’autres pays encore ont élaboré tout un éventail de formulaires, manuels et produits d’information. Certains se sont parfois contentés d’adopter la régulation en matière de drones d’un autre pays sans apporter aucun amendement officiel à leur législation nationale relative à l’aviation.

Dans les situations d’urgence, comme après le passage du cyclone sur Vanuatu, on a utilisé des drones à des fins de reconnaissance et d’évaluation des dommages sur les îles Éfaté et Tanna, en collaboration avec le gouvernement, mais en l’absence de cadre juridique et de règles spécifiques. La question n’est donc plus de savoir s’il convient d’intégrer les drones dans les formes d’aviation existantes mais bien de définir comment et quand il convient de le faire. Lorsque les règles ne sont pas claires, les petits opérateurs professionnels de drones œuvrant dans le domaine de l’agriculture ou de la gestion des ressources naturelles doivent faire appel à leur bon sens et faire preuve de diligence : ils doivent détenir un permis, disposer de la documentation et de l’immatriculation de l’aéronef et de l’instrument utilisé, et demander l’autorisation auprès des autorités locales.

Une nouvelle expertise en matière de drones

Pour que la technologie des drones à caractère civil puisse être mieux acceptée par l’opinion publique, il faut impérativement s’attaquer aux problèmes liés à la sûreté et à la confidentialité, et adopter une réglementation pertinente et harmonisée. Le rôle joué par l’OACI et le groupement JARUS est essentiel pour élaborer les normes appropriées et les pratiques recommandées. Les efforts de coordination au niveau régional pourraient stimuler l’harmonisation des règles, licences et certifications nationales entre pays voisins. Cette manière de faire pourrait contribuer à mieux diffuser les applications commerciales et faciliter la croissance des entreprises régionales ainsi que leur expertise technologique en la matière.

Les pays ACP souhaitant réglementer cette technologie sont invités à consulter les opérateurs professionnels et les utilisateurs de drones pour s’assurer que les cas d’utilisation ont bien été définis et que les autorisations sont en phase avec les activités concernées dans un pays donné.

À propos de l’auteur :

Cédric Jeanneret ( est géographe indépendant. Il se passionne pour la collecte et l’analyse d’informations géographiques pour cartographier et tirer des enseignements de la diffusion des innovations et de l’adoption des technologies dans les systèmes socioécologiques.


ICT Update #82

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Monday, May 16, 2016

Making sense of drone regulations

Authorities demand regulation for and supervision of the increasing use of drones, because of privacy, safety and security issues. Drone operators must be aware of this. 

While unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) – also known as drones – are indisputably useful for civilians, the technology has an increasing public relations problem. For example, UK pilots were calling for research into what would happen if a UAV hit an airliner, after 23 near-misses around UK airports in six months during 2015. In Japan, UAVs equipped with a net have been developed to capture rogue UAVs that might threaten disruptions along flight paths. And the Dutch police are experimenting with trained eagles to take unwanted UAVs out of the sky.

Some people are wary of drones due to the technology's association with lethal military technology. Others have seen recent news reports describing the reckless and indiscreet use of UAVs by civilians, from paparazzi drones to unauthorized UAVs flights over tourist hot-spots. These incidents have made governments and citizens around the world raise serious concerns about leaving the technology unregulated.

Image: Walter Volkmann
PhotoThe debate about UAV regulation also concerns developing countries. Some nations, like South Africa, have already implemented regulations on the use of the technology by civilians, while others, like Kenya, have banned the use of UAVs without explicit permission from authorities. Several small island developing states in the Pacific have adopted the regulations formulated by their bigger, more developed neighbours. That is the case for Samoa and Tonga, for example, who follow the UAV laws of New Zealand. Still, many developing countries have no provision at all when it comes to the use of this technology by civilians.

Why rules and standards are necessary

One of the fundamental prerequisites for the use of small UAVs in public airspace is the existence of harmonised rules, in particular for UAV operators. These rules should pertain to safety and training, facilitate cross-country recognition of aircraft and pilot certification. Furthermore, such regulations should be combined with appropriate provisions for the protection of public privacy, data protection, liability and insurance. UAV rules also need standards that apply to both private and commercial use, covering issues such as the identification of types of small UAVs, and development of technologies that can prevent hackers or third parties from taking control of the devices while they are in the air. Clear and concise guidance material, customs procedures, simplified regulations, and readily available online forms and information products, like maps that show where it is allowed or not to use UAVs, could all help to succeed in reducing risks for operators.

The increasing commercial exploitation of smaller drones will require further, specific adjustments, such as limitations on third-party liability, the introduction of UAV weight categories below 500 kilograms, and adjustments to the risk levels that are associated with the flight characteristics of very small UAVs. Some concerns with UAVs are not new: the protection of fundamental civilian rights, such as the privacy of images and data, was already an issue with the use of manned aircraft and helicopters. In this context UAVs represent an increase in the scale of aerial data collection – a new challenge when it comes to strengthening and managing the legal protection of privacy rights and both personal and business data.

The international discussion about regulation of the commercial application of UAVs formally began in 2007 with the creation of an unmanned aerial system study group within the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO). The study group brought to the table several member states and aviation management organizations. In 2011 the study group produced a circular 328, followed in 2015 by a manual on unmanned aircraft systems and proposed amendments to national civil aviation laws.

ICAO's current coordination efforts in the international arena focus almost exclusively on the large remotely-piloted aircrafts used for trans-boundary missions and not on the smaller UAVs. However, much of the material that was prepared by the study group is useful to develop country-specific and regionally relevant regulations for small UAVs under 500 kilograms and with visual line-of-sight operations, as Leslie Cary, who manages ICAO’s programme on drones, said at the Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems Symposium in March 2015.

The European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) has been tasked by the European Commission to develop a regulatory framework for drone operations and proposals for the regulation of civil, low-risk drone operations. In achieving this, EASA is working closely with the Joint Authorities for Rulemaking of Unmanned Systems (JARUS), which is producing guidelines that should serve the UAV governance of the national airspaces.

Regulations in ACP countries

Research led by the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA) recently examined the current state of drone-related regulations in the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) group of states. It revealed several distinct categories of responses to the drone issue. Indeed, ICAO member states use the organisation's standards and recommended practices and other guidance material to develop their own regulations.

South Africa in particular has implemented and now enforces a comprehensive set of legally-bound rules governing UAVs, placing it among the small group of nations that have working regulations. Others, like Senegal and Kenya, have banned the civilian use of drones or specific airborne tools, such as cameras, although they have amended their aviation laws with drone-related provisions developed by ICAO. Others, like Chad and Gabon, still left notes in their newly updated aviation laws stating that international norms still need to be established on specifics such as certification, licensing and aircraft types. Others have created a variety of forms, guides and information products, and sometimes have simply adopted the UAV rules of another country, without any official amendments to their aviation laws.

In emergency situations, like post cyclone Vanuatu, drones have been used on Efate and Tanna islands for reconnaissance and damage assessment purposes with the endorsement of the government, but in the absence of a legal framework and specific rules. Thus, it appears that the question is no longer whether, but how and when the integration of UAVs into existing forms of aviation will take place. When rules are unclear, professional small UAV operators working in agriculture or natural resource management should use common sense and follow diligence: have an operator permit, documentation and registration for the aircraft and the instrument used, and seek approval from local authorities. Ideally they also should seek approval from customs and national transport agencies.  

Emerging UAV expertise

Tackling safety and privacy issues together with the adoption of harmonised relevant regulation will play a crucial role in the public acceptance of civilian drone technology, and the role of ICAO and JARUS is instrumental in developing the appropriate standards and recommended practices. Regional coordination efforts could spur further harmonisation of national operating rules, licences and certification between neighbouring countries. By doing this they could help the spread of commercial applications and facilitate the growth of regional enterprises and expertise on UAV technology.

ACP countries looking to regulate the technology should consult with professional operators and users of drones to ensure that UAVs’ user cases are well defined and their authorisation streamlined for the relevant activities within the individual countries.

About the Author:

Cédric Jeanneret ( is a freelance geographer. Cédric is particularly interested in capturing and analysing geographic information to map and learn about the diffusion of innovations and adoption of technology in socio-ecological systems.


Republished with consent from ICT Update, issue 82, April 2016

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Le dernier numéro d'ICT Update est sorti : Les drones au service de l'agriculture

L'utilisation de véhicules aériens sans pilote, ou drones, pour la gestion des cultures, des cheptels, des pêches, des forêts et d'autres activités basées sur des ressources naturelles représente le franchissement d'une nouvelle frontière technologique et ouvre la voie à toute une série d'opportunités enthousiasmantes.

Le dernier numéro d'ICT Update, un magazine bimensuel publié par le Centre technique de coopération agricole et rurale ACP-UE (CTA), est consacré à l'utilisation de cette technologie et de systèmes connexes dans différentes parties du monde.  Le numéro, disponible en ligne et en version imprimée en français et en anglais, est publié en collaboration avec Esri.

Il contient 12 articles, une interview et une sélection de diverses ressources en ligne sur le sujet.  Les articles traitent notamment de l'utilisation des drones pour concevoir un système d'irrigation au Nigéria, pour alimenter un système de surveillance des sauterelles, pour récolter des preuves d'occupation illégale de terres au Panama, ou encore pour aider des petits producteurs à superviser leurs cultures en Afrique de l'Est.

Vous pouvez commander une version imprimée ou télécharger une version PDF de ce numéro en suivant ce lien :

Une sélection d'articles sont proposés sur le portail web du magazine :, où vous pouvez vous abonner à la publication gratuitement.

Thursday, May 05, 2016

Sri Lanka's drone pioneers

The International Water Management Institute (IWMI) in Sri Lanka has begun to experiment with drone technology to support a wide range of studies like crop monitoring, disaster mitigation and disease prevention.

In recent months, the Colombo based International Water Management Institute (IWMI) has begun to use unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) – also known as drones – to monitor rice crops in and around the water scarce area of Anuradhapura. The institute is testing the data-collecting capabilities of UAVs for various purposes. For example, RGB (red, green, blue) colour and near-infrared (NIR) sensors were used to capture images over the paddy fields. These technologies have the potential to help farmers detect fields that are under stress and to help them identify low-laying areas prone to pooling.

IWMI's drone is also regularly used in partnership with local authorities. In December 2015, the Survey Department of Sri Lanka was developing a disaster mitigation plan for Badulla, the capital city of Uva Province. The Survey Department needed a high-resolution Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of the town for the plan, and asked IWMI to use its drone to capture the required aerial imagery.

Using conventional techniques, it might have taken over a year to survey the town. However, the drone used by the IWMI team was able to survey the entire 10 square kilometres area in just three days, by carrying out fourteen UAV flights and shooting 4,600 high-resolution images, with an average spatial resolution of four centimetres.

Disease prevention

Drone imagery can also be used to better understand the spread of disease, allowing health analysts to create high-quality maps. Chronic Kidney Disease of Uncertain Aetiology (CKDu) is one of the most serious non-communicable diseases presently afflicting Sri Lankans, and it remains poorly understood. First diagnosed in the mid-1990s, the disease has now been found to occur in six out of the nine Sri Lankan provinces. It is essentially confined to the dry zone and only affects farmers engaged in rice cultivation. CKDu is believed to have resulted in the death of approximately 25 thousand people to date, while over 8 thousand people are currently estimated to be receiving treatment for the condition.

In the CKDu-affected area of Mahiyangana, the disease is believed to be spread via contaminated drinking water, which originates from wells. The UAV has been used to gather geo-referenced data on where households live and where wells are located. The collected data can be used in addition to a digital elevation model to locate the high and low areas of two villages, Sara Bhoomi and Badulupura.

The gathered data has been used in support of a pilot project on prevention of CKDu in the area. According to project leader Ranjith Mulleriyawa, these aerial photos and maps have provided researchers with an improved overall picture of the area, helping them understand how contaminated wells are linked to the spread of CKDu in affected areas.

High accuracy

IWMI also plans drone initiatives in Nepal to map fresh water springs by using a small thermal sensor. The targeted watersheds in Nepal have dense canopy cover, and it is difficult to use standard optical sensors to identify and locate the springs. The drone-mounted thermal sensor can see through the dense canopy cover to find these springs, as their temperature is lower than the temperature of the earth surrounding them.

While the use of UAVs in research and other practical applications remains in its infancy, IWMI’s initial tests have already demonstrated their usefulness. Drones can be used to carry out surveys over large and hard-to-access areas, in a relatively short timeframe and with high accuracy. For policy experts and decision-makers, these aerial images can provide them with more accurate and up-to-date information than has hitherto been possible. For farmers, high-quality drone images can help them detect potential crop failure early, giving them enough time to respond.

IWMI thinks that UAV based surveys will be especially useful in studies that require highly accurate and repeated monitoring. These include checking for changes in cropping patterns, shifts in the status of important water resources, and documenting the extent of environmental disasters. It doubtless won't be long before farmers routinely use UAVs to monitor their crops, just as they use more conventional machinery to sow and harvest.

About the author:

Salman Siddiqui ( is senior manager of the Geographic Information System (GIS), remote sensing and data management unit at the International Water Management Institute in Sri Lanka.


Republished with consent from

Sunday, May 01, 2016

Inspiring speech by Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim at the Signing of the Paris Climate Change Agreement

PARIS, 22 April 2016 - UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon invited all world leaders to a signing ceremony on 22 April at UN Headquarters for the historic climate agreement that was reached in Paris in December last year. At the request of the Executive Office of the Secretary-General, UN-NGLS led a process for civil society to apply to attend or speak during the opening session of the signing ceremony, involving facilitation of a civil society Selection Committee, who reviewed more than 200 applications received. Ultimately, Ms. Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim from the Association des Femmes Peules Autochtones du Tchad (AFPAT) in Chad was selected as the civil society speaker for the opening ceremony of the event.

Hindou is a member of the Executive committee of the Indigenous Peoples of Africa Coordinating Committee (IPACC), for which she is a representative of the Congo Basin Region, with a background in indigenous peoples' rights and environment protection with the three Rio Conventions (Biodiversity, Climate Change and Desertification) with multiple responsibilities.

She has organized a series of international workshops on scientific and traditional knowledge systems in partnership with UNESCO, IPACC, CTA, CI and the government of Chad.

Below is the last of a series of three film productions concerning Hindou's the activities centred on merging traditional and scientific knowledge systems and related participatory three-dimensional mapping (P3DM) activities in Chad.

Three-way dialogue on climate change from CTA on Vimeo.

Among the many bus stations of N’djamena the capital city of Chad, travellers coming from the countryside know where to unpack their concerns. The path of Aladji Ibrahim leads to AFPAT, an organisation which represents the rights of Indigenous Peoples, in this case the Bororo herders. Here is where the story starts, a deeply touching one. A story centred around climate change adaptation, where the manufacturing and use of a 3 dimensional model helps bridging the gap between traditions and modernism, local producers and government officials, village elders and scientists, local communities and public powerhouses. Last but not least this film documents how participatory three-dimensional mapping (P3DM) can facilitate the management and mitigation of conflicts over shared natural resources. It shows also that P3DM can support the promotion of human rights and represent a formidable medium for facilitating dialogue among development partners.

French version of the film.

Other film productions part of the series:

Dangers in the bush, map of good faith:
Climate Governance: A matter of survival for nomadic pastoralists:

Further reading:

__________ 2012. Influencing regional policy processes in Climate Change Adaptation through the interaction of African pastoralist traditional knowledge and meteorological science; A Contribution to the Nairobi Work Programme on Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation. IPACC. 22 pg, September 2012

Documenting illegal land occupancy using drones

Unmanned aerial vehicles have the potential to empower indigenous communities to become equal partners in the efforts to safeguard their territories and natural resources. 

Throughout the Americas, indigenous forest communities’ territories face intensifying threats, as global demand increases for land and forest resources. Non-indigenous settlers and loggers illegally enter indigenous territories to poach valuable timber or to burn and clear large swaths of forest.  Emerging technologies, such as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) – also known as drones – offer an unprecedented opportunity to empower communities to defend their territories and natural resources. UAV technology allows them to monitor their land in real time, obtain visual evidence of any trespass, and make claims based on this evidence.

Some of Panama’s indigenous communities already make use of UAVs to protect the rainforest. Nearly 70% of Panama’s remaining intact rainforest is governed by indigenous peoples. Indigenous communities see the forest as part of their culture and heritage, respecting and understanding its value and safeguarding it for future generations. Newcomers to the area tend to see the rainforest as something to be exploited in the short-term, particularly for felling valuable old-growth hardwoods and clearing forested areas for cattle ranching.

Panama’s indigenous communities began using UAVs in 2015 with the support of the Rainforest Foundation US and Tushevs Aerials. Tushevs Aerials is a small organisation that designs and builds UAVs and processes data into maps or digital 3D models. It provides training in any aspect of UAV construction, operation, and data use. Since the beginning of this project UAVs have successfully been used to document illegitimate land occupancy and illegal land occupancy and illegal logging by non-indigenous groups.

Armed settlers

The rampant deforestation in the Darien region of Panama perfectly illustrates this dynamic. Islands of rainforest have managed to resist outside pressure from settlers, thanks to the indigenous communities that inhabit and protect them. With the use of a custom-built fixed wing UAV, the Emberá peoples – near the community of Puerto Indio – could spot and survey over 200 hectares of converted forest that has been illegally occupied by cattle ranchers. The communities’ leaders were stunned to witness the extent of the damage. Prior to seeing the aerial imagery, they had thought that there were only about 50 hectares destroyed by illegal ranching.

The occupation and conversion of forested areas occurred several kilometres away from where the indigenous community lives. But because of tensions with the settlers, who are often armed and confrontational, they had not been able to enter the area and document the illegal ranching practices. Using the UAV allowed them to quickly and safely gather data that evidenced the trespass of their territories.

Tino Quintana, the cacique or traditional chief of the 440,000 hectares’ traditional territory, took the lead on presenting the results of the UAV survey to members of several other Emberá communities. These communities are now working together by using aerial imagery documentation to register official complaints with the regional authorities. The government has promised to remove the settlers, and the Emberá communities plan to reforest the area.

Documenting evidence

Governments are often faced with resource shortages, and are frequently unable to respond to all requests for intervention.  Spatially explicit UAV documentation of illegal logging and land occupancy helps government agencies prioritise their efforts, ensuring that a week-long field inspection will collect enough evidence to justify government intervention.

This experience generated further interest in UAV technology among indigenous communities in eastern Panama, inspiring other leaders to ask for UAV support. The Emberá and Wounaan General Congress, which oversees thousands of hectares of rainforest across 27 distinct territories, was given a DJI Phantom 3 Professional quadcopter by the Rainforest Foundation in November 2015. Wounaan leaders flew this UAV within the district of Platanares on the Pacific coast of Panama. The geo-referenced images proved that 10 hectares had recently been burned for cattle grazing in the middle of their territory.

Diogracio Puchicama, a Wounaan indigenous leader, who has been threatened by illegal loggers and settlers for several years, because of his efforts to protect 20,000 hectares of rainforest along the Pacific coast, submitted the UAV-generated documentation to the environmental authorities. Impressed by the accurate geo-referencing of the images documenting forest destruction, the Ministry of Environment promised to be more present in the area and enforce the law.

In late January 2016, Diogracio reported that the authorities had been patrolling the district of Platanares constantly, and that most of the settlers had been at least temporarily removed. ‘I have been denouncing illegal loggers in Platanares for over five years, and the authorities have done nothing, not moved a finger,’ Diogracio Puchicama noted. ‘Now, after they have realised that we have the drone, they are doing their job and enforcing the law. It’s a good sign.’

Protection of indigenous rights

Emberá and Wounaan communities are planning in partnership with the Rainforest Foundation US and the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) of the United Nations to fly UAVs in at least six more indigenous communities in Panama. They will use the imagery to raise awareness among local communities of the ongoing illegal and un-monitored forest destruction within their traditional territories and the need to document and denounce this destruction to the authorities. They will also use the aerial photographs to help Panamanians understand how important forests are, and the essential role that indigenous peoples have played in keeping them intact.

The experience from Panama illustrates that UAVs have the potential to alter the power balance in favour of indigenous communities’ own ability to protect, monitor, and report on their lands, territories, and natural resources. This technology empowers indigenous people to play an active role in safeguarding their lands and to become equal partners – rather than just beneficiaries – to government and civil society agencies, which are involved in conservation and rights’ protection.

Indigenous peoples’ communities, organisations, and their civil society partners in the region and beyond are now very interested in adopting UAVs for conservation or for the protection of indigenous rights and territories. There are further discussions with the Mesoamerican Alliance of Peoples and Forests regarding the use of UAVs in Central America and with an indigenous network in Bolivia. Indigenous communities in Guyana and Indonesia are already using UAVs for land mapping. Also in Africa the Shompole Maasai community in Kenya and a forester in the Democratic Republic of the Congo are interested in using the technology. This shows that the interest in UAVs is growing all around the globe for monitoring illegal land use in indigenous territory.

About the authors:

Nina Kantcheva Tushev ( is co-founder of Tushevs Aerials and indigenous peoples’ rights advisor at the UNDP. Tom Bewick ( is program manager at the Rainforest Foundation US. And Cameron Ellis ( is principal at Groundtruth Geographics.

Related Links:

Video that demonstrates how Dayaks in Indonesia make use of UAVs.

Article and video outlining a training in the use of UAVs with indigenous communities in Peru.

Source: ICT Update # 82

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Drones for Agriculture - Long awaited ICTUpdate issue now released

At CTA they started working on this issue in November 2015. Finally it is available in both English and French. Are you interested in the topic?  Follow @uav4ag on Twitter and join the community on

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Mapping deep in the jungle: our experience among Saramaccan Peoples

In July 2015 local residents and leaders from 14 indigenous Saramaccan villages, located along the upper Suriname River, collaborated with local and international NGOs to create a physical 3D representation of their traditional land and waters using participatory three-dimensional modelling (P3DM). The mapped area is sparsely populated and characterised by externally-driven logging and mining activities. The mapping process, provided participants with a comprehensive and detailed understanding of the landscape, its interlocked ecosystems, and potential impacts of road development and related extractive activities. This enabled them to formulate informed opinions on how best to develop, preserve and manage the traditional territories.

The process has highlighted how effective P3DM is when it comes to bottom-up and inclusive landscape planning. Helping communities to build a 3D model of their territory is proving to be an effective way for knowledge held by different individuals to be collated, geo-referenced and visualised, thus generating a powerful pool of data mostly unknown to the outside world. If strategically used, this data could shift the balance of power in favour of those who would otherwise not be included in decision-making processes.

The blog below was written by Nicholas Fields (INTASAVE Caribbean/CARIBSAVE) and Gaitrie Satnarain (CARIBSAVE Associate at the Anton de Kom University of Suriname).

CARIBSAVE was invited by Tropenbos International Suriname (TBI) and CTA to participate in a Participatory three-dimensional modelling (P3DM) exercise, conducted on 21–31 July 2015, as part of the above-mentioned project. Our group included representatives from TBI (including persons of Saramaccan origin), students and staff from the Anton de Kom University of Suriname, and ourselves – representing CARIBSAVE. Sponsored by CTA, our participation in the exercise helped us to understand and appreciate the P3DM process and now enables us to replicate it within our own projects in the Caribbean region. It is our intention to share what we have learned with our colleagues and build capacity within our own organisation.

What is P3DM?

P3DM is an inclusive process of building a physical 3D model of a specific area that details how communities use the natural environment – has demonstrated its significance and practicality beyond rudimentary research and data collection purposes. P3DM has proved to be an effective tool for bringing a diverse group of stakeholders, including representatives from the villages, community-based and non-governmental organisations, technical people and policy-makers, to the table to exchange ideas, perspectives and information; strengthen and build new relationships; support decision-making related to land use; and re-invigorate a desire to protect the environment and to use our resources sustainably for the benefit of current and coming generations.

A long journey to a remote location

On the first day we travelled three hours by bus followed by two hours by canoe to the Saramaccan village of Pikin Slee (which means ‘small village’ – although it is, ironically, one of the most inhabited and visited villages in the Upper Suriname basin) and the neighbouring ecolodge, Pasensie. From the river, the village does look deceptively small, but on traversing inland you can see that the landscape is dotted with variously sized dwellings used for domestic and communal activities. Saramaccan way of life is modest, with irregular access to amenities that one would have in the city (with the exception of smartphone/mobile devices, which are abundant).

Mapping the environment

We were warmly welcomed by the villagers upon arrival. The next five days were extremely busy assembling the blank model – that is a plain, white, three-dimensional canvas prior to any painting, drawing or pinning. The blank canvas is comprised of stacked layers of foam board material, with each layer representing an altitude interval, and shaped according to the specific altitude contour. The result is a scaled and geo-referenced three-dimensional canvas of hills, valleys, plains and depressions of the real-life landscape. The actual size of the area modelled was approximately 2,232 km2 and, with a horizontal scale of 1:15,000, the model developed into a rather large construction, involving five tables of approximately 1.6 x 1.2 m each.

Model construction is exciting as well as intensive, and the teenagers from a village-based school who took part in this process would certainly agree on this! The facilitators helped the students to trace each contour onto the foam boards, cutting these accordingly and affixing each layer of board to the model. Once the foam boards were cut according to the contours and stacked, the model was covered with plaster to allow for painting, which is perhaps the most labour-intensive component of the process, requiring precision, accuracy and careful attention to detail. The team had some initial challenges with matching and/or aligning contour maps, foam board pieces and uneven table tops, as well as working with the foam board itself. Understanding the nature of the problems, considering possible corrections and subsequent improvement was an important part of the learning process.

Mapping the knowledge

The next phase of the exercise, which took another 4–4½ days, involved populating the blank model with data on land cover and use (e.g. forests, agricultural land), locations of villages and estimated populations, and types and locations of activities associated with the villages and their inhabitants. The map legend – outlining what features would be located and visualised on the model – was finalised beforehand by the facilitators and representatives from the different villages located within the modelled area.

This stage was the most crucial and sensitive. Local residents and leaders had full autonomy entering data on the model at this point. This helped building buy-in and ownership of the process by the villagers, and minimising interference or perception of bias by the facilitators. Local residents spearheaded the process of identifying and marking features, place names and locations of activities. The facilitators (mainly the TBI team members of Saramaccan origin) offered only moderate guidance, taking care not to influence the direction of discussion except in the interest of maintaining consistency in the use of legend items, scale, focus and time, or mediating diverging opinions when these arose. Only agreed data were placed on the model. Specific locations and activities of cultural, spiritual or – in some cases – economic significance were not visualised, in the locals’ interest of protecting their security and inviolability.

Despite the fact that locals were given autonomy at this stage, some of them were distrustful of the process, fearing possible coercion, exploitation and vested interests by outsiders. The presence and interaction of the Saramaccan facilitators in the TBI team helped to alleviate most of these fears. Still, it was intriguing to observe the sometimes animated dialogue between locals as they detailed various parts of the model – indicating primary and secondary forest areas, tracks and paths, and places of work, domestic and recreational use.

We learned a lot there by observing and implementing the P3DM activity. And the strong multi-cultural element added another dimension. The indigenous Maroon groups were working with their own set of norms, practices and structures, which were very different to those that the external facilitators were used to. Including the participants and facilitators, the 10-day exercise brought together people of at least five nationalities and ethnic groups. At any given time during the activities, there were at least three languages at play: chief of these being Saramaccan, Dutch and English, with intercessions in Spanish and Arkans. While there were some slight communication barriers, none was too difficult to overcome – in fact, this made the experience much more amusing, and there were several side-lessons in foreign language vocabulary. There is no doubt that the group of facilitators also learned much over the two weeks, and established new personal and working relationships to build on in the future.

This P3DM exercise took dedication and was a large undertaking. Significant time and resources were required to co-ordinate and complete the model, particularly when the diversity of players and relative remoteness of the beneficiary groups are taken into consideration. However, the benefits of the exercise – first-hand participation in P3DM, learning and exchanging new information, connecting with people and building new rapports – were outstanding and will be long-lasting. The students’ participation also played an important educational role. We hope that they were able to appreciate the purpose of the model and will take forward what they learned from this process as they become leaders in the future.

Further impact: applying the knowledge gained

Since taking part in the exercise, CARIBSAVE has incorporated the P3DM methodology into one of its project proposals. It is planning to use the P3DM methodology for a participatory flooding hazard mapping and zoning exercise, as part of a larger comprehensive disaster management initiative. Through this exercise, community residents would produce a model that details flooding risk areas, vulnerable persons, infrastructure and emergency facilities as the basis for developing a community response plan.

Gaitrie Satnarain from Anton de Kom University intends to further what she has gained from the exercise by incorporating P3DM as a research tool within her upcoming doctoral study proposal. At the Anton de Kom University of Suriname, the Infrastructure Department in the Faculty of Science and Technology will also discuss potential opportunities with TBI to incorporate and promote P3DM for landscape planning research. CARIBSAVE will continue to explore and incorporate the P3DM methodology into its future projects to support building knowledge and capacity in climate change adaptation, disaster risk reduction and sustainable ecosystem protection and management – especially to benefit vulnerable and otherwise-marginalised groups it works with.

Who is involved?

P3DM in Suriname is led by TBI, as part of a joint multi-scale initiative to model ecosystem services and land-use scenarios in the Upper Suriname River basin (see here), in conjunction with WWF Guianas, the University of Utrecht, and the Association of Saramacca Authorities (Vereniging van Saramakaanse Gezagsdragers [VSG]). The initiative is supported by CTA and the UNDP GEF-Small Grant Programme. Through this initiative, TBI aims “to contribute to improved understanding of the impacts of modern-day human interventions on forests, landscapes and people”. One of the project's results was the construction of a number of physical 3D models to visualise and assess human-environment interactions, particularly in the Upper Suriname River basin, which is inhabited by several indigenous Maroon villages and is also the focus of local and external logging and mining extractive activities.

The enabling power of participatory 3D mapping among the Saramaccan Peoples of Suriname (part 1 & 2) from CTA on Vimeo.

Online resources on Participatory Geographic Information Systems (PGIS), including Participatory 3D Modelling (P3DM)

  • View an interactive map of the world with locations and details of known P3DM exercises
  • Visit the website on Integrated Approaches to Participatory Development (IAPAD).

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  • Are you interested in promoting the use of PGIS for adding value to traditional knowledge, empowering grassroots and conducting participatory land use planning in African, Caribbean and Pacific countries? Join us on Twitter @PGISatCTA and like our Facebook page.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Participatory 3D Modelling in Mapanas, Northern Samar, Philippines

Barangays Barangays Sta. Potenciana and Burgos in Northern Samar, Philippines constructed their Participatory 3D Models (P3DMs) with the help of friends from Citizen Disaster Response Centre (CDRC) Bobon, the Philippine Geographical Society and UNICEF Philippines.

Participatory 3D Modelling in Bobon, Northern Samar, Philippines

Barangays Dancalan, Sta. Clara and Arellano in Northern Samar, Philippines constructed their Participatory 3D Models (P3DMs) with the help of friends from Citizen Disaster Response Centre (CDRC) Bobon, the Philippine Geographical Society and UNICEF Philippines.

Friday, March 25, 2016

Participatory 3D Mapping for Disaster Risk Reduction in the Philippines

For two weeks in rural Camarines Norte, two teams of geography majors from UP Diliman facilitated in the making of several Participatory 3D Maps.

Four towns including Labnig and Dalnac in the municipality of Paracale and San Felipe and Taba-taba in the municipality of Basud all had the chance to collectively construct their own 3D Maps that highlight the disaster histories, vulnerabilities and capacities of each town.

Video by Erwin Tolentino